Chapter 43

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After Alex left I walked back to my bed where Ethan was soundly sleeping. I laid besides him observing his face. He appeared so calm and peaceful while sleeping that I had to stop myself from taking a picture of his handsome face. I wanted to remember his face until the day I die. Soon sleep took over me and I laid there sleeping besides Ethan.

The next morning I woke up feeling Ethan's arms around me. I smiled sleepily enjoying his warmth. This felt like heaven.

"Morning baby." He said kissing my neck. I giggled in his arms because his lips ticked my sensitive spot.

"Morning." I said and let out a yawn. I never wanted to leave his arms.  This position was so comfortable for me that I could spend my entire day here. But apparently Ethan had different plans because he began stepping out of the bed. I caught his wrist halting him.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I hate to tell you this but baby, I have to go." He said giving me an apologetic smile. My mood instantly ruined.

"Here I was planning to spend the entire day in your arms and you want to leave." I said leaving his hand and turning away disappointingly. On cue he came around me.

"I am so sorry, but I can't help it. I have spend so many days away from work, and now it is piling up. I have some important deals to close. But I promise I'll come as early as possible." He said placing a kiss on my temple. I immediately melted under his kiss. I pouted in protest but nevertheless let him go.

After he left I finished my daily chores and having nothing else to do for myself I switched in the TV enjoying my free time.


"Baby I am home." Ethan called from the door. I ran to his side giving him a peck on the lips. He pressed for more but I pulled away. He made a pouty face but nonetheless smiled.

"Hey before I forget I want to tell you that Mom has called us both for dinner tonight." He said. I immediately tensed at his words. Dinner at his mom's place meant meeting his Dad. It wasn't something that I would look forward to.

"If you are thinking about Dad then you have nothing to worry about. I will be there with you. Mom will be there, don't get tensed up,okay?" I nodded feeling somewhat relieved to have him by my side.

"Good. I have to go now. Get ready, I'll come to pick you up." He said and placing kiss on my cheek he left. I pushed the bad feeling aside and cheered myself up. I wasn't going to spoil the night for his mom.

As promised Ethan came to pick me up and we both drove to his parents home. I had never been here. So when I saw, my jaw dropped. It was exceptionally beautiful place. I couldn't believe that Ethan grew up here. It was no less than a palace. All the Monroe kids were so lucky to have lived here. My thoughts came to a screeching halt when the thought of our baby came to my mind. We still hadn't told anyone about my pregnancy. I suddenly felt very nervous. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by my dear boyfriend.

"You look worried, what's the matter?" He said cupping my face.

"Ethan, we have to tell them about my pregnancy."

"I know, we will tell them together. Don't worry." He gave me a reassuring smile. I clutched his hand in mine to gain some support. We reached within no time and I inhaled a deep breath to calm my nerves. We walked hand in hand to the door and Ethan pressed the door bell. A maid opened the door and we entered in.

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