Chapter 29

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Its been two weeks since we had that argument. I didn't talk to Ethan the entire day and the next day. So he came over at my place with a bouquet of roses and chocolate ice cream and apologized several times. Honestly how could someone be mad after he gave me the puppy eyes and a mind blowing round of make-up sex. I still didn't understand why Ethan was bent on the whole secret relationship thing anyway besides that everything was fine.

I was waiting for him in his penthouse but he still hadn't returned from where he had gone. His housekeeper let me in. I had been here for about an hour now but still he hadn't come back. I pulled out my phone and called him for the tenth time now. But everytime it went to voice mail. I left messages but those were unanswered too. Another hour passed but still there was no sign of him.

The door bell rang and the housekeeper went to open the door. First I thought it was Ethan but much to my disappointment it wasn't him. Seb came in and he looked surprised to see me.

"Hey, you're here? How are you?" He asked sitting on the adjacent couch.

"I'm good."

"Why are you here? Not that you can't come here, but alone? And where is Ethan?" He asked me. Now that was the question I didn't have any answer to.

"I don't know, I have been waiting for two hours for him and he isn't answering his calls." I said getting frustrated with each passing second.

"Really? You shouldn't wait then. If you want I'll drop you home, unless you plan on staying for the night." He winked in my direction. I caught the meaning behind his words.

"No I can go on my own and I have no intention of staying here, after today I'm so mad at him, I can't even stand him now. I mean who disappears like that?" I spoke in frustration. Seb looked at me thoughtfully as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" He asked. I nodded a no.

"Aren't you mad at him for not telling you about Christine? I mean, I'm sure you didn't know that our parents had fixed his marriage with her." He asked.

"I was mad at him. But I guess it isn't his fault. Sure he should have at least be honest with me but other than that I can't blame him for that. You yourself said that it was your parents decision so Ethan didn't know about it, right? "

"You're right. I am so happy that Ethan has such an understanding women like you. You know Erica, right from when we were kids, Ethan has been the loyal one and our parents obedient kid. Me on the other hand had no relation whatsoever with obedience. He was always the kid who did everything right. Since he was a kid it was always implied that Ethan could never do anything wrong. He was my that big brother who used to protect me and Ella. He was the one who used to sacrifice his candy, his toys and his everything for us. He felt responsible for us and we being the younger ones never valued his sacrifices. He was the type of person who wanted to fix everything. Then whatever it maybe. Whether it was my broken car toys or Ella's barbie. He was like our savior. He may sometimes do things that you think are irritating but that's only because he wants to make everyone happy. He may suffer himself but he would never let his loved ones suffer. Sometimes I get very irritated with this actions of his but trust me he always thinks about other's welfare." Seb finished. However I couldn't look at him. His words were very true.

"Why are you telling me all this now?" I couldn't help but ask that. Sure there had to be some meaning behind that.

"I am telling you because I don't want any misunderstandings causing you two to drift apart. Given the present situations I feel that you two should trust each other no matter what. " I just smiled him as a gesture of understanding. I felt as if there was a secret that Ethan and now Seb knew but they didn't want to tell me. There was something they had been hiding and I intend on finding it.

You & I ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora