Chapter 45

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The smile on my face was permanent, just knowing that Ethan had planned this. Laying on my bed was a beautiful evening dress with a matching clutch and a rose placed beside a card. I picked up the rose and the card and opened it to see what Ethan had to say.

"The first time I saw you I was speechless - The first time I touched you I became numb - The first time you kissed me it felt like heaven. Fallen in love with you has been the most beautiful experience in my life."

I never knew Ethan could be so romantic in words. I placed the card down and picked up the dress. It was so beautiful, I seriously had to admire Ethan's choice. The picture was becoming clear in my head now. Silly me! I had thought that Ethan wanted me away but here he was planning a special evening for us. God! I loved this man. I rushed to the bathroom to took a nice relaxing bath before dressing up. I might as well put in some extra efforts to look beautiful and put on my best lingerie that made me look sexy. Next I slipped in the dress and applied some makeup to enhance my features. It took me almost two hours to be fully ready. According to Alex it would be too less time to get ready but I was getting impatient now. It was already about time and Ethan would be here anytime now. Meanwhile I watched myself from every angle in the mirror wanting to make sure that I looked not less than perfect. I wanted to look beautiful for Ethan. If he had taken so much efforts to make this night special, I wouldn't disappoint him.

As soon as the door bell rang, I walked down the stairs and opened the door revealing a very handsome man of my dreams standing there with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. He eyed me from every angle and smiled at me.

"You look so beautiful, I almost wish to stay here and worship your beauty." He said. I felt shy all of a sudden. He was my boyfriend but yet I couldn't even handle a compliment from him. I was such a goner. I took the bouquet from him and placed the roses in the vase.

"But what I have planed for you, we can't stay here. Shall we?" He offered me his palm. I placed my hand in his and he firmly clasped our hands together and led me to his car. His car was different from his usual one. This was more luxurious and more posh. Once we reached the car he held the door for me and gestured me to get in. We drove for a good forty five minutes all the while & Ethan couldn't keep his hands to himself. He kept on touching my hand and drawing circles on my knuckles. I enjoyed his touch and wanted our moment to last forever.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a while.

"Its a surprise. I realized we never actually went on a second date. I thought you'd like a nice time out. We will have the entire time to ourselves away from everyone else.....Did you like the dress? " He asked. There was no way I didn't like it.

" Its beautiful, thanks. I never knew that your taste was so good." I said. He smirked and then answered, "My choice is you, of course I have the best taste." His reply left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. We settled into a silence again. None of us spoke a word and it was killing me. The air around us felt tense. I felt as if there was something different about tonight. Something good, something better,but I couldn't point it out.

"Don't think so much, stress is not good for our babies." Ethan's voice brought me back to the present. Of course, he was studying my expressions.

"Why don't you just tell me?" I said.

"We're almost there." He said. I waited for five minutes before the car came to a halt. We both got out of the car. The sound of waves hitting the shore made it clear that we were near the beach.

"We aren't exactly the dressed for the sea Ethan." I said to him. But he just smiled at me.

"Don't worry, I have something else planned. Come." He offered me his hand and we both walked towards the beach. At a little distance I could see lights. It was the most beautiful setup. A table was at the center with two chairs placed besides it. The path way was paved with rose petals lined with candles on both the sides. I looked up at Ethan only to find him watching my face with a bright face.

"This is so beautiful. Did you do this for me?" I said although I knew that he did this for me.

"Yes, only for you. Do you like it? " He asked. There was was no doubt that I liked it. Infact it was beyond words to describe my feelings so I made the use of my actions. I pressed my lips to his letting him know how much I loved his surprise and how happy he had made me.

"Come with me." He said after we pulled out. We walked hand in hand on the aisle of rose petals. I couldn't stop smiling and feeling like I was the luckiest woman on the earth. It felt like a dream to be experiencing this.

We sat on around the table and I eyed the whole thing. Suddenly a question rose in my mind. "Why is this place so empty?"

"Its a private beach, no one else comes here except for the care takers. There's also a small cottage behind. We can go there if you want to rest. I can give you a nice massage if you want." He spoke the last part teasingly. I was however, in awe of the fact that he had brought me to a private beach.

"Do you own this? " The words flew past my lips before I had a chance to think what I said.

"No." He chuckled. "But I can buy it for you if you like it." He said. I didn't think he was joking when he said that. Almost immediately I spoke, "No!" My voice came out too harsh than I intended to. Now I felt stupid for even asking that.

"Why not? Its a beautiful holiday location for us and our kids." He said.

"Ethan, its beautiful, I like it but you don't have to buy everything that I like. At least not this." I replied. He didn't look too happy with my answer. I couldn't believe he was seriously considering buying the property.

"I am hungry.. Can we have something to eat first." When he raised his eyebrows at me questioningly, I clarified further.

"Don't look at me like that. I have two humans inside me.... They are hungry. I don't want them to be hungry." He chuckled at that and nodded. We both had food and enjoyed each other's company for a while. Ethan held my hand the entire time.

"I want to show you something." Ethan said after we were finished. My heart beat sped up at that. I didn't know why I was nervous. Even Ethan looked a little fidgety with his hands. If I wasn't wrong he had some sweat on his forehead. Was he nervous? But for what?

He held my hand and led me inside the cottage. I held my long dress with my free hand and walked where he took me. There was dark inside and we passed the living room and reached the backyard that was equally dark. I looked up at him in confusion. He left my hand and walked back in. What was he up to, I had no idea.

"The first time I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you. Your beauty and your smile had captivated my soul. For days you were the only thing that I could think of. No matter what I was doing or where I was, your beautiful face always made its way into my mind. And believe me when I say that I never wanted you to go from my mind. And then you made your way into my heart making it beat faster when I see you,when I hold you, when I kiss you. That's when I realized that you were the one. I came to realize that I had truly and deeply fallen in love with you. You're beautiful , smart, confident and all those things that I can list out to you but it will take forever. I just want you to know that I'll forever love you, just like you love me. " Ethan appeared out of the dark and took slow steps towards me. With his each step, the lights illuminated the dark. When he fully came near me the backyard was fully illuminated. I however, couldn't take my eyes off him. His declaration had left me smiling like an idiot but I loved what he said. To know, that how much he loves me always brightens my mood.

"Turn around babe." When I turned around, my eyes landed on an arrangement of candles. The sight had my breathing caught up in my throat. My senses freezed and my mouth hung open.

Written with candles and roses were the two words :




You & I ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ