[10] Conflicts

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Avery Holmes

That morning, the three of us were up from one until four. Niall and I were both dog tired, but unfortunately, Aimee was the exact opposite. Niall pulled Netflix on his phone and found an episode of Sesame Street for her to watch.

Aimee was pretty content with jumping on the couch instead of watching her show for the first half an hour of our little midnight adventure, and then after that she demanded for eggs, which Niall (who was half asleep) willingly made for her.

At around four in the morning, Aimee was asleep with Niall's phone in her little hand.

"I'm really sorry about all of this." I whispered to him as we laid together on the couch. He just smiled, closing his eyes.

"It's okay, really. I don't mind at all." Niall insisted. I honestly didn't know how he had so much patience with her, not once had he gotten mad at her or tried to hit her.

I realized in my mind I had a corrupt vision of men. I thought that they all went out every night to a bar, and that they always made you feel small. At first when I met Niall, I was afraid. But then I realized that the picture of what men was, in my head, was very twisted.

"You okay?" He chuckled, grabbing a blanket at the foot of the couch and pulling it over us. I didn't want to tell him that I was incredibly nervous about being this close to him, but I just smiled and nodded.

He yawned and chuckled quietly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?" I questioned.

"Nothing, it's just that you're so stiff. Don't worry, I'm not going to try anything." He promised. "I'm not like that, I swear. And besides, your three year old is three feet away." He pointed out.

I smiled and cuddled into his chest, laying my head on him, deciding to trust him. We molded into each other, and for a while we were just silent. I don't think either of us knew what to say, but it wasn't awkward at all.

Within a few minutes, my breathing slowed down and my eyes became incredibly drooping. Even though I was drifting off to sleep, I still had one thing on my mind; Jake. What would he do if he saw me right now? What would he ever do if he found out about Niall, even though we weren't in any sort of relationship?

Kill us both for sure.

But instead of worrying about things from my past life, I decided to focus on getting some sleep, and eventually I drifted too far off for return.

Niall Horan

In the morning, I woke up next to a warm body. I rubbed my eyes and looked down at Avery, who was cuddled up against my chest. Smiling, I rubbed her back and looked around the room for Aimee. I assumed sometime in the night she had gotten back in her bed.

I looked down at Avery once more and fixed her hair a bit for her, trying not to wake her up. I had never been this close with a girl before, not even people I was a bit serious with, like Barbara.


We technically weren't dating. We were basically reserved for each other, meaning that she wasn't seeing anyone else and neither was I. Sort of. I mean, I wasn't seeing Avery. I was just helping her out, that's all. It was completely different, I told myself.

"Mm?" Avery murmured, stretching and looking around, rubbing her head. I chuckled and sat up, looking at the clock in the kitchen. It was already ten 'o clock in the morning, which was late for me.

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