[54] Visiting Marcus

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  Avery Holmes



  The next day we decided to visit Marcus. He was in a hospital about a half an hour away, give or take a few minutes, and I felt the need to thank him, despite having him once be my enemy.

  "Aimee, your hair is a mess today." I sighed, attempting at brushing out the knots and failing. She wore a big frown on her face and swatted at my hand when I accidentally hurt her.

  "Just get yourself ready, I'll do it when we get on the bus." Harry said as he brushed past me, digging around in Niall's bag. I wordlessly agreed and went back to brushing my teeth.

  "Babe, have you seen my Derby shirt?" Niall called, walking into the bedroom shirtless. I would never dare say it out loud, but I honestly wouldn't mind if he just always went without a shirt.

  "Um, yeah in the closet on a hanger." I said as I rinsed and put my toothbrush back. "Is everyone else ready to leave?"

  "Most of them are gettin' in the bus now." Niall said as he slid his shirt over his head. "You look gorgeous, now can we go?" He whined as he picked Aimee up and put her on his back, making her squeal in delight.

  "Yeah." I sighed, checking the motel room over to make sure that all the lights were off before following my boyfriend and daughter out of the room and down the stairs.

  Niall was right, everyone else was already in the bus. I always tried to be on time for things, but this morning it seemed that I was running late. I woke up late, woke Aimee up late, and now I was late for this. I blamed it on Niall, he practically had me trapped, holding me tighter whenever I tried to get up this morning.

  "Look who finally decided to show up!" Louis teased. I gave him a look and sat down on the leather couch beside Harry and Darcy, and then Niall brought Aimee and sat her on his lap on the other side of me. I watched as Sam did a head count and then started the bus up.

  "Give me Aimee." Harry beckoned, holding his arms out. I raised my eyebrow. "I'll do her hair."

  I took Aimee off Niall's lap and handed her over to Harry, watching as he cracked his knuckles and got to work on her hair. I was almost going to ask how he was going to do her hair when he sometimes forgot to wash his own, but decided against it as he pulled it back in a tiny ponytail that he had on his wrist.

  "Hally doesn't pull my hair like mommy." Aimee said, smirking over at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled as he got a green bandana and fixed it around her head, making her curly hair look extremely similar to how Harry always wore his.

  "Oh God, that's priceless." Liam laughed. "Wait, I'll take a picture." He slid his phone out of his pocket and I listened as the camera clicked a few times. He was right- it was awfully priceless to see.

  "Hey Harry, can you pass me that magazine over there?" I asked, pointing to a magazine that was beside him. Almost immediately he froze in his seat.

  "It's all lies anyway, you don't want to read that." He smiled. 

  "So? I'm bored." I shrugged.

  "Then you should do something else." He suggested, starting to give me a weird vibe. But then again, Harry was really weird sometimes. 

  "But I want to read." I pried.

  "Reading is for losers, Avery." Harry tried turning it into a joke. "Besides, we'll be there soon." He pointed to an exit sign for the hospital and I sighed in defeat. He had won this time, although I didn't understand why this was such a big deal.

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