[41] Confusion

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 make sure you wish a happy birthday to @marshmaliks!



  Niall Horan

  Heartbreak was all that I felt.

  It had been a half an hour since she left. She said her goodbyes, told me to take care of Aimee, and was gone. I was confused, hurt, and desperate for any logical answers. There was no way she used me for money.


  "I know toilet paper stronger than our relationship Niall." She sighed. Even with tears streaming down her cheeks, I could see that she was giving me a look. And with the way she looked around the room suspiciously, as if we were being watched, I could tell that something was seriously wrong.

  "What are you talkin' about, Ave? Toilet paper?" I scratched my neck, my nose running uncontrollably. "Please, we can work this out!"

  "Toilet paper, Niall! Toilet paper is stronger than this relationship!" She repeated. I was beyond confused by this point. 

  We stood there, in silence for a few moments as my confusion and sadness settled in. Was this really happening?

  "I'm sorry." Her chin trembled and I wanted to grab her face and kiss the shit out of her, but I knew that I couldn't. But, something told me that what she was telling me was a lie. Why would she lie, though? "Please take care of Aimee. Please." 

  "Of course." Even though she had just dumped me, I still wanted Aimee. She felt like my own and now that she was completely giving her daughter to me, I'd sign off the papers for her. It seemed insane, she was practically dumping her child on me, but Aimee was mine now, too.

  "Kiss me. One more time, please kiss me." I begged. She shook her head, crying harder.

  "I can't." The pain in her voice and her eyes was unbearable to look at.

  "Something is seriously wrong." I shook my head, wiping my red eyes on my sleeve. "I can tell that something isn't right here. Whatever it is, I'll help you. But I know that you love me, it's obvious that you still do."

  "I-I don't." She stuttered, not meeting my eyes. I grabbed her face with both of my hands and forced her to look at me, her chin wobbling furiously. 

  "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me." I demanded. She started crying harder, her shoulders shaking, and I honestly felt terrible. I felt like such a mean person, but I needed to know.

  "I don't love you."




  She lied.

  I knew that she lied. I could see it in her eyes and the way that she spoke that she was lying to me. But I listened to her as she explained that Sam was going to drive her to the airport, and I didn't interrupt. She kept telling me to make sure Aimee knew that she loved her and always would, and then was gone.

  "Niall!" Zayn called, knocking on my bedroom door. "Ni- oh, man. You alright?" His eyes widened when he saw my puffy face.

  "No." I shook my head, crying harder than any man should, but having no shame. "She left. She's gone. Avery doesn't want me."

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