[62] Unexpected

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  Niall Horan



  I held onto Avery's hand for dear life as Sam made sure that Zayn's skin was covered by my clothes. My whole body seemed to be shaking and sweating, but I knew that I wasn't the only one. Gingerly, I rubbed my thumb against Avery's hand and gave her a reassuring look, trying to show her that I was brave.

  I wasn't. 

  "He's all set to go. Zayn, act like you're trying to hide. They'll suspect it's Niall." Sam said. Zayn only nodded once, and with a swift movement of the door, they were gone.

  "Oh, hell." Louis muttered. 

  "I'll do the watch." Harry said, handing Aimee over to Louis before approaching the window and peeking out every so slightly. "Okay, they're approaching the car. It honestly looks like Niall, Zayn's doing a good job. Okay, they're getting in the car. Is that something in the bushes? Wait, I don't know-"

  "My heart is literally going to burst." Liam said. 

  "Will mine?" Aimee asked Louis, wide eyed. 

  "It's alright love, he's just joking." Louis reassured her. "Harry, what's happening now?"

  "They've just started to pull away, but Sam's being slow about it. He wants whoever is watching to know they're leaving- there! You said Jake had a red car right?" Harry said, and by the way that his voice sounded by the end of his sentence assured me that Jake was following.

  "Yes." Avery said. I squeezed her hand gently and pecked her cheek.

  "They're following close by and now Sam's started speeding. Jake's on their tail, it won't be long 'till their out of sight." Harry said. "Okay, the're gone. Let's wait ten seconds and then go to the car, Ollie's going to meet us there." 

  I nodded and slung my bag over my back, assuring Aimee that it would be alright. By now her eyes were darting around the room nervously and I just prayed that she wouldn't get a panic attack, especially at a time like this.


  This was it.


  There was no turning back.


  We were going to be free of these people.


  Jake and Kate are going to jail.


  We could continue life like it was before this.


  I could propose to Avery and buy us a nice house. 


  I could go back to doing what I love- making music and touring the world.


  I could see my family.


  We could get Aimee some help from her panic attacks.


  I was quite possibly going to shat my pants.

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