[33] Police Station

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  Niall Horan

  "It's all gonna be fine, babe." I promised Avery, rubbing small circles in her back. She nodded and exhaled deeply, but I knew that she really wasn't listening to my words.

  "I wish I could fast forward all of this." She said.

  "I know, I know." I bit my lip. "It'll be over before ya know it, okay? I'll be right there the whole time."

  We were currently sitting in the back of a black rental car, being driven to the local police station by Sam. After all of these years, this was the time where Avery would finally seek justice and I was so incredibly proud of her.

  "About five minutes and we'll be there." Sam said, locking eyes with me in the mirror. I gave him a small nod and turned back to my shaking girlfriend.

  "What if they think I'm lying?" She worried out loud.

  "They won't." I promised. "Think rationally, they'll believe you over him any day."

  "What if he wants custody?"

  "They would never give it to him. Come on, Ave, they're probably familiar with the Kate Winters case and know his name. He does drugs, he abuses innocent people, no way in hell would they let Aimee stay with him." I reassured her.

  "What if they want some kind of evidence?" Avery questioned me, clenching her fist.

  "You've got the scar to prove it, and I'm sure much more." The last line gave me a bad taste in my mouth.

  "What if I don't want to show them?" I could tell that her brain was just thinking of all the worst-case scenarios that could happen, because she wasn't thinking rationally. I could understand, though, being in her shoes must be so hard.

  "What if they want to question Aimee?" Avery panicked. I sighed and turned my whole body towards her, holding her face so that she was forced to look me square in the eyes.

  "Nothing bad will happen. I promise you that, okay?" I said, trying not to look at her tempting lips, because Sam was right in the front seat. She closed her eyes and nodded, taking deep breaths. I wasn't going to admit this to her, but I was also really afraid of what was going to happen.

  "I'm sorry." She apologized, blushing a bit. "I just have pictured this day for years, and now that it's actually happening... it's scary. Good, but scary."

  "Sometimes a little dose of fear isn't a bad thing." I reminded her.

  "And when this is all over, I'll be happy I did this. I just have to get this over with and then it'll all be fine." Avery said, giving herself a little pep talk.

  "Exactly," I said. "And you, Aimee, me- everyone, really, won't have to worry. We'll be safe from Jake and Kate." I hated saying the names.

  "We're here." Sam announced, taking a sharp left as we swung into the parking lot of a tiny sherriff's department. I glanced over at Avery to see her face a strange pale shade as she shook, still clenching her fist repeatedly. I picked up her hand and kissed the back of it.

Motel 6 // n.hOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora