[31] Doctor

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  Niall Horan

  I felt bad for Avery's parents, I really did. We hadn't told them about Aimee's panic attacks because she had only one prior to this and I don't think any of us expected it to happen again. The look on Tom, Avery's father's, face was heartbreaking.

  "We're gonna sort this out." I assured him. "The doctor is coming as soon as he can." I looked over at Ave and Aim- Avery was holding our daughter close to her chest, whispering things into her ear to calm her down. 

  "How many times has this happened before?" Tom asked me. We were across the room, so the girls couldn't hear us.

  "Only once." I admitted. "We thought it would be the last time."

  "And this is from when Avery's boyfriend..." He trailed off, the words putting a sickening taste in his mouth. I hated thinking about it, thinking about someone laying their hands on two girls that were my world, my everything.

  "Beat them." I finished for him. "It's horrid." I let my mind wander to a place I never dared to go often, thinking off all the times that Jake hurt them. They were defenseless and couldn't save themselves from him for all of those years. I sniffed, feeling my eyes start to water.

  "I'm so glad she has you." Tom said, surprising me. "I really do... and I can tell that you two really love each other. If I could pick someone for my daughter, I'd pick you in a hearbeat." I felt my heart swell.

  "Why?" I asked. "Not that I disagree, I just want to know." I blushed.

  "I can see that you really care for my daughter and wouldn't ever hurt her. And you step up with Aimee and help out. You look like her father and act like it, too. You're perfect for them both." Tom chuckled. "You have my blessing."

  "Thank you," I said. "I appreciate that. But for now, I don't think we'll be getting married. We might have Aimee take my last name instead of Jake's, though." Tom nodded, absorbing my words.

  "I hope that punk goes to jail." He shook his head. "If murder was legal, I would have shot him by now. This stays between us, by the way." I laughed and nodded.

  Suddenly, there was a knock from the front door of our hotel room. I sighed, relieved that the doctor was finally here. It wouldn't be the same doctor, but I hoped that he didn't have any other suspicions or concerns about Aimee. We had so many things against it, I didn't know if I could take another.

  Tom got the door and a tall, skinny man with glasses entered. He had thick, curly hair and looked extremely nerdy. I could tell, when he looked at me and by the way he looked at me, that he recognized me instantly but was trying to be professional.

  "Hello, I'm Dr. Franklin. Over the phone you said something about panic attacks...?" He trailed off, shaking my hand firmly. I nodded and looked over at Aimee, who was still in Avery's arms.

  "Our daughter has been having severe panic attacks and we'd like to get some help for it as soon as possible." I informed him. "This is the second time now and we'd like to stop this." 

  Mr. Franklin nodded and jotted some things on a clipboard that he was holding. He walked over to Aimee who looked at him with big, fearful eyes. He smiled sympathetically and sat beside her on a chair.

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