[57] 4th Of July

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gif on the side is from when there were fireworks at the x-factor house and harry freaked out. brownie points to the people who already knew this.

ps follow me on twitter @_delilahmae_

k now you can read c:



  Avery Holmes



  "So Navery is all back together, then?" Louis asked with a smug grin on his face. 

  "What?" Niall asked, frowning a bit. We were sitting on the couch in Niall and I's motel room since it was a bit bigger than the rest and had more room to fit people.

  "You know, Navery." Louis shrugged. "Your ship name together would either be Navery or Aviall, and since Aviall sounds like some weird medicine, we're gonna go with Navery." I snorted.

  "Then I guess Navery is back together." Niall chuckled, sending Louis weird looks from across the room. "How come you've came up with a ship name for us and we've never even thought of that before? I swear, Lou, you've got too much time on your hands." He teased.

  "Well obviously," Louis retorted. "We've been cooped up in this motel for God knows how long."

  "It's been, like, a week." I reminded him. Sometimes it amazed me how brazen he could be without even thinking things through. He was also a little too bored with anything that we suggested for him to do- he had already won what he wanted at the crane machine and was now coming up with ship names for his friends in relationships.

  "Anyways, I think today's going to be a chill out day." Niall decided, kicking his feet up on the coffee table, showing off his two mismatched socks. "I think that I'm gonna try and watch some football after lunch, you in Lou?"

  "No, he's not in." I spoke before Louis could. "Since we were in an argument, you kinda missed out on what I had planned for today and it's going to be something good."

  Niall and Louis both groaned. 

  "Oh, shut up! It's a holiday today and we're going to celebrate!" I ordered. "Since today is the 4th of July, Sam allowed me to arrange a cookout and that the lake place nearby is going to have fireworks tonight. I'm deciding to be festive today and that's final."

  "How is today the 4th of July?" Niall frowned, scratching his head. "Come to think of it, I haven't checked the date in ages. Guess this is just what happens when you aren't allowed to have your phone on you."

  "Even if it is an American holiday, we're not celebrating." Louis said.

  "And why not? You're in America and it's an American holiday and your best friend is dating an American, so you're going to be patriotic and deal with it." I heard Niall chuckle at how firm I was being, but I honestly just wanted one day where we could act like normal people that weren't in hiding.

  "Hmm, maybe because I'm not American? And isn't this a free country? That means that I can do what I want." Louis grinned.

  "Well, not today." I decided again for him. "Because Sam should have started grilling about fifteen minutes ago and if you don't celebrate then you can't eat the fattening food like us Americans do." I heard quietly laughing beside me and I smiled.

  "Fine then." Louis sighed. "Just don't expect me to do the Pledge of America."

  "Pledge of Allegiance." I corrected him. "Be ready in fifteen minutes, that's probably when we'll eat dinner."

Motel 6 // n.hHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin