Chapter 14: Returning home

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Lilyanne's POV

"One hour left until we are back in hell...." I sighed tossing myself onto the seat.

Erin and I were currently heading back home. His hand was in mine and we were content.

He was wearing his tux and I was wearing a strapless yellow dress.

"Darling it's not hell its home, especially when I'm with you" he whispered into my ear while kissing my neck.

"Erin stop" I laughed.

He continued to kiss down my neck all the way to my shoulder.

"Erin" I whined.

"Darling we won't get this amount of quiet time when we get back home"

I nodded my head, he was right.

"True, why-" I was cut off by his lips on mine tugging roughly.

He grabbed my hips and placed me on his lap, pulling me against his body.

"Easy tiger" I told him.

His hand moved down to my thigh as he started rubbing his thumb in small circles.

I placed a hand on his chest and one through his chocolate brown hair.

His warm lips moved back down to my neck leaving small love bites.

A small moan escaped my lips and I could feel him smile against my skin.

"It's great to know I have that effect on you" he said placing me back in my seat.

My mouth fell open in awe," you are such a tease" I cried.

"But don't you want to come back for more?" He asked.

I blushed as I faced the window.

"My point exactly" he laughed while placing a hand on my thigh.

Tiny little sparks ran up my leg just from his touch, great what is this boy doing to me?

I placed my head on his shoulder and decided to take a little nap.


His hand ran down my bruised and battered face, "princess don't forget that I did this to you" he whispered into my ear.

I flinched as he got closer with every word, "stop please, you are a weird old man" I cried.

He raised his fist and punched me right in the stomach over and over.

"What am I princess?" He laughed.

"Nothing sir" I cried.

"Thats more like it princess" he whispered before he laid kisses behind my ear and down my neck.

Tears ran down my face as his hands held my hands closed tight.


I jumped up jolting out of my seat.

"Lilyanne?" Erin's voice questioned.

I placed my face in my hands and started to cry, another dream that was real.

A hand was placed on my back and I flinched.

It was quickly removed and replaced by a voice, "Lilyanne, look at me."

I shook my head and continued to cry.

Two hands grabbed my face and pulled me up to Erin's face.

"Lilyanne, what's wrong?" He asked sternly.

"N-no-nothing" I stuttered.

"No that's not an answer, next"

I wouldn't allow him to know what my mother does to me, I'm going to keep it to myself.

"It was just a bad dream" I told him.


"Everyone I loved died" I lied.

Erin went silent.

"We aren't going anywhere" he finally spoke.

I looked up to see him hurting for me.

"I know" I smiled lightly.

The car came to a stop and I looked outside, we were back.

I opened the door and stepped out with Erin close behind.

"Lilyanne, dear please come up here with me" I heard my mothers voice call to me.

Step after step I made it to my mother.

An evil smile was plastered across her face, "you are in so much trouble for lying to me, Erin is the father and I know that now."

I stepped back, "h-how?"

"Dax was so kind to share this information with me" she laughed under her breath, "finish up with talking to him and it's back to your favorite place."

She turned away and laughed again.

No no no! How could he.... I trusted him!

I turned to Erin and called to him, "I will see you later!"

He nodded his head and continued talking to the driver.

The second I made it through the doors, two guards grabbed my arms taking me back down to the place I dreaded most.
Who else dislikes the queen?

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