Chapter 20: Brother & Sister

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Erin's POV

I stood back against the wall while the doctors fixed Lily. How were the babies? Was she going to live? Were the babies going to live?

The doctors were going crazy. Their words consisted of die and loss of blood.

"We need a blood donor! We don't have what we need!" A doctor yelled.

"Me, test me!" I jumped off the wall.

The doctor pricked me and looked at the results, "you are not a match!"

With those words I ran downstairs to where Anna, Conor, and Dawn were talking.

"Guys she's losing blood and they need a match!" I told them, "where are we going to find a match?"

Slowly I was breaking inside, afraid I would lose my family.

Dawn looked over to Conor, "Conor you're a match, go up there now!"

Conor looked confused but all of us ran back to the doctors.

"He's a match!" I yelled.

The same doctor came back and checked Conor, "he's a match!" The doctor yelled while pulling him over to Lily.

After everything started to calm down Dawn, Conor, and I all sat next to Lily waiting for her to wake up.

"Mom how did you know I was a match?" Conor asked, breaking the silence.

Dawn tensed up and let out a breath, "you two are brother and sister."

"What?" Conor and I asked at the same time.

"Years ago before the king and queen got married, the king and I were in love. Everything was perfect until his parents made him marry the current queen. We continued to see each other even after they were married. We would go on secret dates and it was perfect. One day I told him I was having twins, everything changed. During birth he took away Lilyanne and let me keep Conor. They told the whole kingdom that Lilyanne was the queen's daughter. Conor and I were cast aside deeper into the servants quarters. As a baby Conor, you would get to play with your sister all the time. The king would check up on you all the time until you were old enough to start remembering things, then he stopped seeing his son."

I turned to Conor and he was watching the floor.

Dawn reached out to Conor and placed her hand on his leg, "I'm sorry I never told you, I didn't want you to think anything bad."

He looked up with glossy eyes, "i'm glad I know the truth now, thank you mom."

"You're my mom?" Lilyanne's voice brought us out of the current trance.

Dawn jumped up and held Lilyanne's hand, "yes baby I am and I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

They embraced each other tightly crying.

Pulling away Conor and Lily looked at each other smiling, "that's why you have always been a brother to me" Lily cried.

They had their moment and hugged each other.

I stood up and walked to Lily. She turned her head to me and smiled, "there's my knight in shining armor."

"I wouldn't want it any other way" I smiled while leaning in and kissing her.

She was my comfort in every way. My strength and my princess.

Pulling away her face was very red.

"My mom is watching us" she whispered.

"I know" I said laughing.

Lilyanne's POV

Erin made me smile to the moon and back, while making my heart flutter.

Just then my father the king walked in.

Conor and Dawn walked to the same side of the bed with Erin.

"Father" I nodded.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked.

"Yes, my mom has been in here with me. Taking care of everything" I said with a tone.

"Your mother had been in her room-" he stopped looking up at Dawn, "you know?"

"Yes, my brother saved my life!" I yelled, "my own brother! One that I didn't know I had until now!"

My father stepped back and took a breath, "I would have told you but I was afraid you would have acted like this."

"I have been put in a cell in the dungeon every time I made a mistake! Only to get punched and beat every time! And now I am being told that the lady that continuously put me down there wasn't my mother!" I cried.

My fathers fists clenched and his face went cold, "she what?"

My heart shattered, " didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't know! She would tell me you left on trips or got hurt because you were clumsy... pumpkin I'm so sorry" he cried this time.

He leaned forward and embraced me in a hug, "I will fix this" he promised.

Pulling away he looked at Conor, "my son" he smiled.

Conor ran to our dad and hugged him tightly.

"My boy I will make this all correct, you will be a prince now."

"I see you all found out now?" A voice said from behind us.

We all turned to find the witch that locked me up year after year.

"Guards!" My father called, "get her! She is no longer your queen! Teryn Ethreen you no longer have any title!"

With those words guards came in and took that monster away.

I knew that when my father used anyone's full name, especially since he just changed her last name back to her maiden name, I was shocked to say the least.

My father then turned to Dawn, "my dear, I am so sorry. Will you give us another try with our family? Maybe even become the new queen?" He asked.

My mother nodded her head, "that would be lovely."

My family was now complete in a way.

"Isn't this funny" Erin said out loud, " I am a twin with Anna, Conor and you are twins, and now we are having twins ourselves."

Everyone laughed except for my father and mother, they looked shocked.

"Twins?" My mother questioned.

"Yes twins" I replied.

What a family tree we had.

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