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Hermione never thought the day would come where she would prefer the company of Draco Malfoy out of the very people in her own house, and in one of the most secluded areas of the school, no less. Going into Hogwarts, she was the type that craved the approval of her new magical peers because her non-magical ones didn't, and now, on her last year before leaving Hogwarts, she could no longer bring herself to give a damn. All the rebelliousness bubbling up inside her has made her revel in the fact that here she was, a Muggle-born, side by side with Pureblooded Malfoy. It made her hopeful of a new world where their kinds won't just be sitting in silence, but actually interacting, conversing, and making each other parts of each other's lives.

The silence that enveloped them was calming, and she doesn't dare break it because every once in a while, she looks towards the standing figure of Malfoy with his eyes shut and she just couldn't tear him away from his only moments of complete serenity. She already feels like her being in the same place as him ruins it. Peace, she realized, is hard to come by for everyone it seems.

Getting comfortable, Hermione leaned more into the edge of the platform, almost not believing the courage she's built up to even put her legs out of the rails. "The stars are out tonight." She said to Malfoy whose eyes flew open at the interruption of his quiet thoughts.

He doesn't look mad, that's a good sign.

But alas, he doesn't speak.

Closing her own set of eyes, Hermione took in a huge breath and exhaled slowly, peeking open just to see the fog of smoke erupting from her lips as she did due to the cold. There was nothing else she could hear except for the too-loud beating of her heart and Malfoy's breathing, nothing else she could see in front of her except for her legs when she swings them up straight and the vast expanse of the night sky. She couldn't keep her eyes closed anymore; there was far too much beauty around her to be shutting herself off from it. Astronomy was never her stronger suit in all the sciences, but it was interesting for her so she made sure she knew enough, and soon, her eyes were darting across the heavens naming all the stars and constellations she could in her head.

"You found me yet?"

Hermione was so startled by the sudden voice that she almost leaped out of her seat and plummeted to her sure death if she wasn't already holding the rails with a vice-grip. She was more startled by whose voice it was though. She's been in the thick silence for so long tonight that she almost forgot what a voice sounded like, what his voice sounded like. Tucking a stray lock of curl behind her ear, she straightened her posture and cleared her throat.

"Of course," She points towards the north, to the serpent-like cluster of stars. "It never sets below the horizon so it's one of the most visible all-year round." She paused. "As far as information goes, that's about all that I know." At this, she saw Malfoy's eyebrow quirk up and she groaned. "Oh, don't do that. I don't know everything, so what?"

"Granger, I've spent the last seven years proving to people that you don't know everything, this doesn't surprise me in the least." He countered.

This feels normal for Hermione – the bantering, the proving of one being better than the other academic-wise, the back and forth insults. This is the Draco Malfoy that she's familiar with, the Draco Malfoy that had fire.

In a moment of inexplicable curiosity, she held her chin up and leveled with Malfoy's stare. "Tell me then."

"Pardon?" He lowered his head towards the part of the floor where Hermione was sat.

Further emboldened by an invisible force, she continued. "Tell me all about Draco."

"Hates sunlight and anything bright, likes to condemn others for improper use of grammar and is very obsessed with his hair."

At the sound of a new voice, the two whipped their heads around to see Blaise Zabini leaning on the doorframe of the tower with his arms crossed and an amused smirk on his face.

"Am I interrupting something?"

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang