t h i r t y - e i g h t

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"What are you on about, Theo?" Draco, who started stalking towards him like a predator stalking its prey.

Theo didn't look bothered by Draco's intimidating advances at all, but he did put up both of his hands in the air. "Just do me a favor and pull out the photograph."

Assuming he was talking to her, Hermione dug through her purse and withdrew the torn piece she had. Watching over at Draco, she saw that he did the exact same thing.

"Et voilà!" He exclaimed, seemingly very pleased with himself as he took both halves and held it in front of the two so they could see how the two parts merged with each other perfectly by lining them up at the tear in the middle.

Hermione had to blink a fair few times before her vision adjusted to the now-whole picture in front of her.

Draco Malfoy dressed in a black coat and a ring on his finger clasping Hermione in an embrace with his eyes focused solely on her as she smiled brightly into the camera.

Hermione looked towards Draco at the same time he looked towards her.

"It's you." Was all she could muster to say.

He stood impeccably still.

"I was there when Draco got his letter." Theo began to speak. "Unlike yours, Hermione, there was nothing on his end that could hint at who the other person could be, just that he was obviously looking at someone. Except for this," He pointed towards a patch of orange blur that starkly contrasted against the dark fabrics of Draco's coat. "At the pitch, a few weeks ago, I noticed you wearing a jumper of exactly the same color. I knew then that it was you. I mean, who else would consciously wear the ugliest shade of orange?"

In Hermione's mind, it was like a jigsaw puzzle that was slowly but surely piecing itself together.

"You wanted to be a part of the ball to get close to me?" She asked incredulously. Theo nodded.

She frowned. "I feel used."

Laughing again, Theo put an arm around Hermione. "When I went to your dorm that night, I already told Draco to meet me down by the Lake."

Her frown went deeper. "You told him to take me up?"

"Actually, I didn't expect he would. My original plan was to just leave you two alone."

Glancing back at Draco, his eyes were still on her but he wasn't saying anything. She couldn't quite decipher what the look he was giving her meant. Was he angry that she was his mystery girl?

Maybe he's disappointed he's stuck with a mudblood five years from now.

"What about the Astronomy Tower?" Draco's voice asked abruptly.

Theo smirked. "Look, blame me all you want for forcing you two together but not everything was pieced by me. The Astronomy Tower was completely kismet."


"I didn't know you went out of the dorm that night to go to the Tower, nor did I know that Hermione would too." He continued. "The Patronus lessons, however, that I am fully held accountable for."

"You couldn't have possibly predicted I was going to say anything about that." Hermione interjected.

"Ah, but I did. It wasn't a far leap of a deduction, really. We all know about that innate, unfailing goodness you store in that big heart of yours, as well as your keen observation skills. The only thing missing was a catalyst."

Absentmindedly, she thought back to her surprise at Draco's sudden appearance out of nowhere. "His movement."

"Now you're getting it." He grinned.

"Why?" Draco.

Theo's smile turned serious. "You've been carrying your dark cloud with you everywhere, mate. You needed light. And what better source than the Brightest Witch herself?"

"Let me get this straight – you knew all of this after we've received the letters?" Hermione.

"Exactly. I can't take credit for the idea because it wasn't me who sent them to you. Wish I did though."

"Well, why didn't you tell us sooner?" She asked.

Theo gave her a blank look. "As if you two would've just believed me if I said 'the love of your life turns out to be your sworn enemy. Get crazy, kids.'"

Smiling once again like a Cheshire cat, Theo winked. "Besides, where's the fun in that?"



This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was too busy! Apologies for the delayed update but here it is! One chapter closer to the end! A couple were saying they were confused about the turnout of events from the previous chapter so hopefully this clears it all up. If you guys are still unclear, feel free to message me! Much love always and forever xx

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon