t w e n t y - s i x

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Hermione found their table in no time, since she was the one who placed which group to sit where, but before she could reach Theo and Luna, she was immediately swarmed by camera flashes.

A portly man with a height that only went as high as Hermione's shoulders stepped out of the blinding light to offer his hand. "Hermione Granger! The name's Dan McIntyre, head writer for Witches Q; would you mind sparing a few minutes to answer our questions?"

Hermione, feeling rather polite, shook his proffered hand (then discretely wiped moist palm sweat against the back of her dress) and nodded. "Sure, why not?"

The other journalists already had their quills and parchment in front of them, eager to write down whatever she has to say. She only wanted to invite The Quibbler as the event's official correspondent, but during one of their meetings it was made clear to her that simply having one present wouldn't do, especially if they were showcasing house unity and the reformation of the Slytherin house, so she went ahead and contacted as many publishing companies as McGonagall allowed her to.

It sounded like such a good idea back then.

"What made you agree to give Slytherins another chance? We all remember what they did in the war, don't we?" He even looked around the growing circle, looking for people to agree with him. "These were your bullies, your enemies, the people who treated you like you were less than the scum on the very bottom of their feet!"

"Okay, okay, but to be fair, Granger was sort of everyone's exception to that rule. I mean, you should've seen her four years ago today. Dazzling then and dazzling now."

Hermione felt a hand thrown over her shoulder, and as she looked up, Blaise Zabini was grinning ear to ear down on her.

"Inter-house romance? How deliciously forbidden!" A new voice cooed, followed by more oohs and aahs from multiple others. She could feel Zabini's laughter and found herself desperately suppressing her own.


"Oh, boy." She muttered under her breath just as the figures of Ron and Harry came storming through the wall of reporters.

"And so the plot thickens." Dan cheers gleefully aka devilishly.

"One, Zabini and I are not dating, so you all can take that out of your columns. Two, there's no point in keeping the same prejudices that led to a war. And three, we were all children, something that most people seem to forget. It's not their fault they were brought up on the wrong side, only our responsibility to bring them over to the right." She reached over and removed Zabini's arm off her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some people to thank for this magical evening. I hope you enjoy tonight."

She ducked her way out of the mob and was eternally grateful for the fame of Harry Potter for they immediately let go of her in favor to interview him instead.

"Grace under fire, nice." Theo commented as soon as she approached. "I see Blaise is over there enjoying the publicity as we speak?"

"I just hope it doesn't get him more snagglelumps – he already has plenty." Luna said worryingly.



This one goes out to @Perfect_picture_1! I just love waking up to see that people actually like my work and want me to continue so thank you to all who are still reading this xx

To Me, From Me // DHr ✔️Where stories live. Discover now