t h i r t y - n i n e

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Theo was gone soon after, leaving Hermione and Draco alone with the torn halves of the photograph, left to mull over what had just happened.

It wasn't like their friendship was a lie, or that it was entirely orchestrated by the mischievous force of nature that is Theo Nott, because even he said he didn't realize that they already talked that night up in the Astronomy Tower. Kismet, he told them, the grand idea that it was destiny.

It also wasn't like Hermione could still kid herself that she wasn't attached to the ferret. Somewhere in between the lacklustre insults and the comfortable silence, she had grown fond of Draco Malfoy. The real Draco Malfoy – the one who was indulged with sweets when he was young, the one who did everything he could saving the ones he loved, the one who thought he wasn't worth saving because he did know what was right from wrong.

They've only just begun scratching the surface of being acquaintances, and now the secret was out. They knew that in the future, they would get together.

But the butterfly effect subsists, and surely future Hermione would know this. Everything was being rewritten and for all she knew, the Hermione and Draco that sent the letter had ceased to exist the moment they did.

"I threw this away." He said, pointing to the piece he had in his hand, jarring the stillness. "I didn't even bother to open the letter. Theo did."

Hermione didn't say anything as she watched Draco hand her his half.

"He showed it to me once he saw what was in it, and I still didn't want anything to do with it. What for?" He bent down to pick up a smooth ivory pebble, holding it up to the moonlight long enough for the beams to reflect on its shiny surface before skipping it across the murky water. The pebble skidded three times before sinking.

"I went up to the Tower that night because the goddamn photo burrowed itself in my brain like an itch. I didn't know where it came from or why someone would send it to me, or if it was even real." He picked up another pebble, this time of a silky ebony color, and enclosed it in a tight fist. "I thought it was mocking me." And then he threw it into the lake with a force that gave the pebble enough boost to travel way further than where the first pebble sunk.

"I thought so too." She spoke quietly, looking down on the image she has on her hands. "With the way things ended with Ron – I don't know – I kind of doubted if someone out there is right for me. Then the photograph came along and it gave me a glimpse of a future where I looked genuinely happy but the question that plagued me was with who?"

She walked towards him, whose back had been facing her, and she turned him around. "I didn't realize it would be with you."

He smirked. "My apologies for disappointing you, princess."

"Actually, I'm not disappointed at all." Hermione took out her wand and mumbled a spell under her breath. The photograph magically sewed itself together leaving no indication that it was ever torn in the first place. She idly ran a finger across their smiling faces, a motion that didn't go unnoticed by Draco.

"You do know that this future doesn't exist anymore, right?"

Duplicating the photograph, she handed him a copy. "Maybe it still could."

Hermione smoothed down her dress then extended a hand towards a curious-looking Draco. "My name's Hermione Granger. You are?"

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He shook her hand. As Hermione was about to let go, she felt his fingers lace in between hers while smiling down at her.

She was immediately warmed at his smile and couldn't help but reciprocate. "Pleasure."



And the countdown begins because after this, there are only two more chapters left to go </3

Dedicated to none other than @_bieberoverboard_ for leaving the nicest comments in the previous chapter! I woke up this morning to my notifications going off and it was the most amazing thing to have woken up to! Made me cry a bit but it's all tears of happiness! Thank you so so much to everyone who is still reading this. Two more chapters left so hopefully ya'll stick by meee. Much love always, lovelies! xx

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