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When the pair returned to the Yule Ball, a slow song was playing. Hermione's blush hadn't receded at all since they walked hand in hand from the Black Lake to the Great Hall. In fact, facing all the couples dancing on the floor caused her cheeks to warm up even hotter, and her grip on Draco's hand even tighter.

No one seemed to notice them arrive (which she was immensely thankful for), and for a long while they just stood there near the entrance with their hands still intertwined (which she was also thankful for).

Baby steps, Hermione. Baby steps.

That is until Draco tugged on their linked palms and gestured towards the middle of the room. "Would the lady care to dance?"

"Fair warning, I will most likely step on you."

He gave her a casual, lopsided smile – an incredibly rare one especially for the likes of a Draco Malfoy – and it made Hermione's heart flutter all the more. "It's a risk I'm willing to take."

Suddenly, all eyes were on the two as they made their way through the crowd that parted right down the middle just for them. Hermione was half-afraid the song would stop mid-way just because they've been spotted together again. Whoever was controlling the music didn't, and she thanked them silently.

The whispers didn't come this time; most likely because the initial shock had already wore off. Now, it was like they were already used to seeing the Gryffindor Princess and Slytherin Prince together, like they were anticipating it even, like all the while they were wondering just how they could've possibly missed what a great tandem Hermione and Draco made after all.

It was typical of him to lead her right smack in the center of the room which had been conveniently cleared out by the surrounding dancers. He placed a gentle hand on the small of her back and she, in turn, rested the hand that wasn't attached to his on his shoulder. Slowly, they started to sway to the soft, soothing melody that was booming out from all the four corners of the Great Hall. Just out of her peripheral vision, she spotted Theo talking with Blaise near the drinks table, and once they saw her, both raised their glasses.

"You're lucky to have them, you know." She said, looking back to her dance partner.

"Took me a while to realize just how lucky."

The peace was short-lived however, because just as the song had reached its end, a piercing scream went off. Hermione inwardly groaned, for she instantly knew who the screech belonged to – none other than Ron Weasley's, of course.

"So it's true then? The rumors? You being a Death Eater lover?" He angrily hurled at her as he approached where the two stood. Harry was at his side holding him back in no time. "Seamus already told me about you and the Nott sprog, and your little appearance at their table," Hermione already knew this. Dean told her about the very lengthy letter Seamus sent her two boys about her recent involvement with the Slytherins. Everyone in their friendship group didn't even appear the least unperturbed during the table incident; even Ginny surprised her when she didn't even comment on it the day after.

"Stupid me didn't believe it for a second. Thought you were better than that, see. The Hermione I knew would never stoop to their level."

Anger was building up inside of Hermione, at a pace far faster than the build-up of an audience that Ron was gathering, but before she could rain down hell on him, Draco beat her to it.

"You don't have to tell me Hermione deserves much better than me, Weasley. Do you think I don't already know that? Now, here's what you don't know – she deserves much better than you too. She's a big girl, she can make her own decisions, and she's decided to stick around with me. Salazar knows why, but here she is." He turned his head away from the fuming Ron to look directly at Hermione as he slowly raised the hand of his that was tightly holding onto hers to his lips. "And here I am, for as long as you'll have me."



So so so terribly sorry for the super delayed update! I always underestimate just how much of my time work consumes and lemme tell u, it's A LOT.


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