Chapter Two: The Tree House

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It was now Saturday, and the four friends had some epic plans. When they were in the second grade Jaycee, Isabella, Gabrielle, and Mathew all built a tree house together in the woods near a river. Over the years, they have slowly forgotten about the tree house that had brought them closer together. 

"Hey Jaycee, do you know a place where we could all hang out," Isabella questioned.

"I don't know," Mathew replied.

"She was asking me Mathew," Jaycee stated. "Oh my gosh!"

"What," Gabrielle asked.

"Do you remember the tree house we built in second grade?"

"Oh yeah," Isabella replied. "We could all ask our parents if we could go this afternoon."

"Sounds like a plan," Mathew smiled. Later that afternoon the four friends wandered into the woods looking for there tree house. All around them there were different shades of greens from all of the trees and grass. As the four friends went deeper into the woods, a heavy fog started to grow.

"Maybe we should go back," Isabella thought to herself. "No. We have to keep going and stick together. Everything will be okay."  They suddenly came across four paths, none of them knowing what path to choose. One path was clear, with a nice dirt road leading back to town. The second path was very narrow, but also lead to town. The third path was a stone path with some trees planted along the path. It looked like it went to someones land. The fourth path was very dark with more fog. You could hear animals moving around in the leaves. 

"What path should we choose," Mathew questioned with a worried voice.

"Well, two of the paths lead to the city. The other path might lead to someones house," Jaycee answered.

"So we have to go through the fourth path," Isabella shuddered. As the four friends went deeper and deeper, Isabella saw something that caught her eye. 

"What is that," Isabella thought while going off the path. 

"Isabella come back!" Gabrielle screamed after her. Jaycee started to go off track after her with Mathew and Gabrielle behind her. As Isabella got closer to a shimmering light, she tripped over a root and went into the bushes. 

"Isabella! Where are you!" Jaycee screamed. While Isabella was in the bushes where her friends could not see her, she stood up and saw something the whole world thought was impossible.

"Guys, you have to come see this," Isabella replied while stepping out of the bushes.

"See what," Gabrielle questioned.

"You will see." Isabella went back into the bushes with her friends behind her. As her friends got closer to the light, it started to dim down. 

"Oh my gosh," Mathew said. Siting in a pile of leaves there were four eggs. One of the eggs was blue and rippled like water. The other egg was blood red and sparked like fire. Another egg was white, and was cold as ice. The last egg was two colors. Half of the egg was black, and the other half was a dark purple. It had lighting swirling around it.

"Is that, are those dragon eggs," Isabella whispered to herself. Isabella bent down and picked up the blue egg. As soon as she touched it it glowed blue in her hands, illuminating her whole body. When the rays stopped glowing a mark was left on the palm of her hand. It was a symbol of a dragon flying through a circle. "Guys, what just happened to me!"

"I don't know. Are you okay? Do you feel any different," Gabrielle questioned.

"No, but there's a mark on my hand, look" Isabella replied as she held up her hand for her friends to see.

"I don't see anything," Jaycee said.

"Me neither," Mathew added.

"Hold on," Jaycee stated. Jaycee bent down and touched the white egg. It also glowed, but glowed white instead of blue. It too illuminated her whole body. Once it stopped glowing, Jaycee got the same mark on her hand. "Gabrielle, Mathew can you guys see a mark on my hand," Jaycee questioned.

"No," they both replied.

"I can," Isabella said. "We can only see the mark if the other person has it." At the sound of this Mathew picked up the red egg and the same thing happened. Then, Gabrielle picked up the purple and black egg, it glowed half black and half purple. By this point, everyone had the mark. "Can everyone see each others mark?"

"Yeah," they all replied. 

"We should look for more," Mathew exclaimed. The four friends went deeper and deeper into the woods side by side. All of a sudden a heavy wind started to pick up and a swarm of leaves were swirling all around them. The markings on there hand started to glow. Everyone started to panic and yell for help, but no one was around to hear them. The ground started shaking, and cracking beneath them as the marks glowed even brighter. Once the wind started to calm and the leaves fell to the ground, not a single soul was left standing in the woods. They had vanished from the world.

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