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The war was over, and everyone knew about it. Dragons of all kinds were racing through the air proud of their victory. Dragons that were wounded went in one direction zooming through the sky. Blu, Spark, Eclipse and Blizzard were also wounded, but not badly.

"We need to show you something," Blizzard told Jaycee. Without question Jaycee, Mathew, Isabella, and Gabrielle got on their dragons yet again ready for taking off. The four dragons spread their big wings and soared into the blue sky. They went so high, you felt like you could almost touch the Sun.  The four friends stretched out their arms letting the clouds and the breeze onto their skin. All of a sudden the dragons swooped down towards the hard ground. As soon as you could see, it wasn't a battlefield. There were no fallen dragons. Instead, there were meadows and rolling hills of green blades of grass with dandelions swaying in the wind. In the center of the rolling hills, there was a light blue sparkling clear lake. Dragons who were injured were going into the lake and coming back out without any cuts or bruises.

"It's the lake of healing," Eclipse said. "It heals your body completely." As the Dragons got even closer, dragons of all kinds were healing themselves and soon noticed the four friends. As Blu, Spark, Eclipse and Blizzard landed, all of the dragons started cheering for they knew who had defeated the powerful Kyo.

"We didn't do it by ourselves," Spark said. The Dragons moved out of the way, revealing the four friends. The other dragons started cheering even louder.

"We knew there were humans, we just didn't know it was true. Before Sun and Night died, they wanted humans to be able to enter. But after they died, no one had hope that any other form of life could enter. But know we know that they can. And we know that it is a great great thing," A dragon said out of the crowd.

"YOU LIED TO US," Gabrielle screamed to Eclipse.

"Yeah, we did. We thought it would be best so you wouldn't have to worry about anything," Eclipse replied.

"At least they love us and don't hate us," Jaycee stated. The crowd of dragons cheered even louder happy for their kingdom. As the group of dragons cheered Mathew and Jaycee locked eyes. The world around them stopped, and it felt like they were the only ones left in the universe.

"Mathew, your the best thing that ever happened to me," Jaycee sweetly said.

"And I am very lucky to have you. You are the very thing that makes me want to live my life. Every second I wonder about how you're doing. I work hard in school because of you! I want to spend the rest of my life with you Jaycee. I love you," Mathew looked into Jaycee's pale face. Mathew leaned into Jaycee's face looking into her glowing eyes, kissing her on her soft lips. The crowd cheered even louder, secretly shipping the two ever since they first saw them.

The four friends went into the lake and came back out completely dry, without any wounds. The four friends decided it would be best if they finally went home.  As they got closer to the entrance, Gabrielle brushed the curtain of vines out of her way, letting her friends pass through. The four friends all pointed their hands up to the entrance just as they had the first day of coming into the world. As soon as they did, they were back in the forest walking towards home.

When the four friends got to each of their houses, police officers were all over the place. "Mathew! Where were you! Everyone is worried sick," Mathew's mom said as soon as he walked into the door.

"Sorry Mom, I guess--," Mathew got cut off by his mother. She was talking to him in Spanish about how she was going to slap him if he ever did that again for she did this whenever she got mad.

"Oh, I'm sorry Honney." Mathew's mom embraced him in a hug.

"I think we lost track of time," Mathew continued.

"You think," Mathew's brother RJ said as he came to embrace his little brother. Mathew's mom soon rushed over to the telephone to tell Isabella, Gabrielle, and Jaycee's family that everyone was okay. All of the other three mothers did the same and was glad that their child was okay.

The next day the four friends went to school happy that their worries were over, and that they could go back to living worry free lives. Although they forgot one thing, Thorn was still alive. If they could easily get into and out of the dragon world, so could she.

Thorn is still alive.

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