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"Good morning daddy!" Penelope greeted her dad as he entered the kitchen the next morning in his black suit. He positioned his curls back away from his face before going towards the girls.

"Good morning, princess." He replied, kissing her and Sophia at the top of their heads. Rosalie ignored his presence, though she knows that she shouldn't. She wasn't doing it to be rude, but by the sounds of it he wasn't even trying to get their mother to come visit her kids.

Rosalie served the food with Eric on her hip eating a cookie. When Mr. Styles saw this, that image made him feel something inside. It was almost foreign to see this, Renata his ex wife never did little things like this.

Not that she was entitled to the role of the housewife, but she didn't work and was always home online shopping and ordering take out for the kids. He had actually never even had a home cooked meal since he moved out of his parents.

"Good morning." Mr. Styles said as he took the baby from Rosalie.

Rosalie knew she couldn't be rude, so she sighed. "Good morning." She says without looking at him.

"Ooh daddy, she's mad at you!" Penelope said making Mr. Styles raise an eyebrow.

"Finish your homework, P." He said, ignoring her comment. Rosalie served Mr. Styles a plate before placing it down in front of him. He had the baby in his lap making Rosalie take him away and place him in his high chair to feed him his food.

Mr. Styles watched Rosalie feed the baby before his attention fell on Sophia who had her head propped up by her hands and she quietly played with her food.

"Sophia, you haven't touched your food, are you feeling ill?" Mr. Styles asks but she doesn't answer, she simply sighs.

"She's upset because she misses mommy." Penelope butts in. Rosalie looks at Mr. Styles who looks at Rosalie, she nodded, lifting an eyebrow as if saying see?

"Is that true Sophia?" Mr. Styles asked. Sophia nodded. "It's okay darling. How about after school I take you girls out for ice cream?" He suggests.

"Yes!" Penelope cheers but Sophia only shrugs her tiny shoulders. Mr. Styles looks at his watch before standing up.

"I have fifteen minutes left, I guess I'm taking you girls to school today, come on, get your back packs." The two girls run upstairs for their things meanwhile, Mr. Styles stood beside Rosalie who was still sitting down feeding the baby. "Listen, about last night, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You are the father, you decide what's best for them." Rosalie says without looking at him.

"Rosalie." He sighs, grabbing her wrist to stop her actions, seeing as the baby entertained himself with his toy, he stood Rosalie up. "I really am sorry, I just—the girls don't need that type of negativity in their life."

"I understand Mr. Styles." Rosalie says, her eyes looking at him briefly. He stared at her for a while before speaking again.

"I know you've only been with us for a week, but you have no idea how easier things have been already because of you. We're like coworkers me and you, I would hate for you to be upset with me and feel the need to quit." He says. "We need you." Mr. Styles looks into her eyes.

The sound of footsteps made him take steps back, kiss Eric's head and walk away with the girls.

Rosalie appreciated Mr. Styles words to her, but she know that she still had to do something about the kids needing their mother. Something had to be done.

She grabbed the baby before going upstairs to her room where she grabbed her laptop and looked through the notepad Mr. Styles had mentioned.

She looked and looked though every page before finding in the back of the last page the mothers email.

She began to type the email.

To: Ms. Renata Richie.
From: Rosalie O'Hare.

I am the nanny of your children, it has come to my attention that the kids can not be without their mother. Would it be too much to ask if you would please pay a visit to them? I will kindly leave my number down with this email, in case you read this and decide on seeing them, please do call. They need you. I am aware of the situation with you and Mr. Styles, so if you'd choose to meet somewhere in public to see your children, that can be arranged as well.

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