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As the days flew by, I only felt myself getting bigger which called for abnormally loose clothing, which Harry took account for but I reckoned he didn't question me about it in order to not say the wrong thing.

I felt guilty not telling him, and I wanted to, I just needed to find the right moment. Every time I felt myself being ready to let him know, something in the back of my head always told me not to and filled my head with possibilities of Harry leaving me.

"What if he doesn't want another one? He's already got three." I say into the phone, sucking the salty residue off my fingers from the chips I was currently eating.

I was on a phone call with Gemma, and she had been listening to me rant about Harry leaving me for an hour now. "Don't give into your cravings, Rosie. Have I taught you nothing?" She scolds and I huff. "And also, are you going to come home with the kid one day and say; here's the child I didn't tell you about, guess what? It's yours!"

She mocks and I roll my eyes. "Of course not, I just haven't found the right time." I say and she hums back in response. She had been checking up on me to make sure I was doing my monthly check ups and if I was eating accordingly and taking my prenatal vitamins, to which I was to all of it—if Harry doesn't mind, is this how he's going to act? Cause if so, I'd rather not say a word.

After the call ended, it was half past ten so I decided on taking a shower. Harry wasn't home yet, so I felt free to speak about it in the privacy of the room. The kids were asleep since two hours ago and I had this time to myself.

As I stood before the mirror naked, I could see the bump in my stomach much bigger than it was last week. This was going by so fast and I was scared. The first month would be over and done in a couple of days and then I'd be two months pregnant and Harry still doesn't know.

I ended up having a ten minute shower before I got dressed and just as I was brushing my teeth, there's a knock on the door. "Rosie?" It was Harry and he sounded exhausted.

"Give me a second." I say with toothpaste in my mouth. I quickly finish brushing my teeth before rinsing my mouth and going outside the bathroom to see Harry shirtless on the edge of the bed, putting on Netflix. "You're home." I smile.

"Sorry I was late, I've been in meetings all day with the board of directors." He says and settles on a movie. "But I won't talk business with you, I wouldn't want to bore you. How was your day?" His hands go to my hips from under my long loose T-shirt and I panic making me flinch back. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No, it's just—your hands are cold, that's all." I say nervously and he nods, eyeing me. "My day has been alright, Eric used the potty today instead of his diaper." I say and Harry grins.

"I can't believe how much he's grown already, just in about a month he'll be one." He says, holding the remote in his hands and I look down at my stomach. Maybe it was time I should say something to him. "Movie night?" He asks and I nod with a grin, walking out of the room to grab some snacks from the pantry.

With a bag of chips in my hand and a few water bottles, I go back upstairs and as I'm setting down the snacks my phone rings on the other bedside table. "Want me to answer?" Harry asks and I nod since he was closer to it. "Hello?" He answers and from the face he made, I reckoned it wasn't such a good idea that he answers my phone. "I'm sorry, are you sure you've got the right number?" He asks, obviously confused by this phone call.

By this time, I kind of had an idea of who it was and why it made Harry turn and look to me with a face of such confusion, I felt myself wishing I was a turtle or something, just slowly creeping back inside my shell so I wouldn't have to endure anymore of his staring.

"...Okay, thank you." He says before hanging up. He doesn't say a word for a second before he turns his face away from me. "Doctor says you've got an appointment tomorrow at ten."

"I do?" I say acting dumb. "I feel fine." You idiot.

"You've got an appointment for an ultrasound." He says, almost as a question and I felt my knees giving in.

"He probably had the wrong number..." Just stop. Harry then looks away from whatever he was previously focused on to me, a look I couldn't quite point out at first.

"You're pregnant," he says. "And you've been keeping this from me?" He raises his voice a little and it startles me in the slightest though his gaze did not stop. "Why, Rosalie?"

"I just didn't want you to be upset with me." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I just wanted us to be happy for a little while before I told you, before you decided that you'd want to leave me." I don't normally cry, I've always had sort of a thick skin but now with my hormones being all over the place due to my pregnancy, I've been a crying mess lately.

Harry's face turns from upset to confused in a matter of seconds as he stares at me in disbelief. "What are you talking about?" He argues, his eyebrows mashed together. "Leave you? Rosie, have you completely forgotten I'm not some immature schoolboy? I'm the goddamn CEO of my own company and a father of three, why the hell would I leave you?"

"Because I know it's early, it hasn't even been a year and everything is just going by so fast." I wipe the moisture under my eyes and let out a nervous breath. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

Harry shakes his head but crawls towards me on the bed and grabs my hips. "This doesn't mean anything, you being pregnant doesn't stop me from wanting to be with you. Would I live without having another child? Probably, but it's happening and that's fine. Nothing could make me stop loving you, let alone carrying my child, as early as it may be." He says all this while holding my gaze, gently sitting me down on his lap and caressing my hair.

"Are you sure you're not upset at me?" I sniff and he lets out a breath.

"If anything, I'm upset your doctor had to tell me over the phone instead of you." He says and I bite the inside of my cheek nervously. "How long?"

"A month and a half." I say truthfully and Harry hums before falling back on the bed with a soft thud.

"Have I been so completely ignorant to my girlfriend for a whole month?" He says from his laying down position and I mimic that by laying down beside him, my shirt folding at the sides and the bump was visible. "The girlfriend title won't work for much long, will it?"

I chuckle at this. "Don't do something you will regret, Harry." I say, much more relaxed that he isn't angry. He looks from me down to my bump, supporting his head with his elbow as I stayed laying down.

"Can I?" He says unsure and I smile and nod before he softly places his large hand over my belly, caressing it before looking back up at me. "I don't understand how you ever thought I'd be upset at this, I love being a father."

"I'm glad you aren't, it would've sucked raising a baby on my own when I don't have a job." I say and Harry let's out a soft chuckle.

"I would've helped either way, I'm sure your grandmother would love the news. As my mum, she can't get enough of Des." He rolls his eyes. "I guess you'll have to deal with them now. Sorry I got you pregnant." He jokes and I roll my eyes this time.

For the rest of the night, we cuddle on the bed and finish watching the movie Harry put on before all this happened. He had kept his hand on my stomach and softly kissed my forehead before falling asleep.

Maybe I should've told him earlier.

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