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It's been two weeks since Amara was born and we were currently sat at the dinner table, eating Chinese food. Harry wasn't letting me do much of housework and had me on strict supervision to make sure I didn't get up for anything. "How did you get her out of your tummy?" Penelope asks making Harry let out a nervous laugh.

Sophia and Penelope were currently looking at her sleeping on her baby swing that was softly rocking her back and forth. Penelope looks up at me, expecting an answer. "How did she even get in there in the first place?" Sophia adds to Penelope's question.

"Um," I say, looking back to see Harry stand up to dispose of the empty plates leaving me no choice but to look back to the girls. "You know when your tooth falls out, you put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy so she'll give you money in return?" I say, unsure of where I was going with this.

From the corner of my eye, I see Harry lean against the sink with an amused look on his face, eating noodles with his chopsticks. They nod. "Well...it's sort of like that."

"So there's a tooth fairy for old people that leaves you babies?" Penelope cocks her eyebrow and moves her head to the side questioningly.

"Yes. Except this one isn't a tooth fairy, it's a stork." I explain.

"What's a stork?" Sophia asks and I hear Harry let out a taunting laugh.

"Okay, that's enough questions for tonight," he says, throwing away the rest of the trash. "It's time for your baths." I let out a breath of relief as I sit back and watch the girls softly kiss Amara's cheek before they both head upstairs to their bathroom.

I smile and look down at my ring. "Thanks for the help." I say sarcastically, feeling Harry come behind me and run his fingers through my scalp in a massage.

"Aren't I just a dream?" He mocks making me roll my eyes. Harry brings Eric off his high chair and lets him walk around. Eric was completely unaware of what was going on, he took one single look at Amara before he went back to playing with his toys.

"Well, I think he's about had it with girls in the house." I joke, stroking his head as he passed me by.

Harry chuckles. "I grew up in a house with women, he should turn out alright." I watch Harry softly pick Amara up from the swing, carefully putting her against his chest and stroking her back lightly. "Let's get you two girls to bed, I'll shower the kids."

Harry leads me upstairs, watching me that I climbed up the stairs fine but I really was fine and he was just over reacting, I refused to tell him though because I know Renata didn't let him be a part of her recovery, Harry was just happy to be of any assistance.

As I lay down, he lays Amara down next to me where she immediately starts crying which I had to feed her so she'd go back to sleep. After burping her, I made sure she was laying on her side and I let myself sleep once I knew she was fine.

At around five in the morning, according to the clock, I heard Amara crying again making me quickly look around to see the spot beside me empty and I instantly freak out.

That was until I saw hunched up long legs inside the crib, and when I go over to it, Harry is inside with Amara on his chest as he softly pats her back. "What are you doing in there?" I whisper to him causing his eyes to open.

"I didn't want her to wake you so I just joined her in here." He explains, using a slow soft voice that made it sound like he had a lisp, a sign he was tired.

"You have work in a couple of hours," I point out. "Come to bed, I'll watch her."

Harry yawns. "Rosie, I'm the god damn CEO, I can stay home if I want." He retorts making me roll my eyes as I caress Amara's soft head. The first week with her had been hard, obviously I've never had children before, the kids were old enough and I hadn't ever babysat for new babies before, so this was all so new to me.

Thankfully, Harry has done this a couple of times to allow me to learn from him, and a few days later I got the hang of it. "Now that we're both awake and it's five in the morning, would you like some breakfast?" I ask Harry.

"I told you you're not going to do anything, that's why I'm here for."

"Harry, I'm fine. You heard the doctor, he said I'll be good to do things in a week, it's been two." I groan but he doesn't budge and only shakes his head in denial. "Fine then, now what? I can't go back to sleep and I'm hungry."

"You had a snack before bed, how are you hungry?"

I shrug. "I don't know, it must be my hormones." I say making Harry chuckle and shake his head. "Want me to order us some breakfast?" I say with a devilish grin.

"You are unbelievable," Harry says, slowly getting up with Amara still in his arms. "I want some waffles though." He adds and I go straight for my phone.

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