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Three days. It's been three days since I took the pregnancy test and I still haven't seen it. I hid it well in my luggage when we went back home and promised to keep Gemma updated to what the results were.

How I managed to muster the courage to take it was beyond me, but I did and it was sitting right in front of me. We were back home already, it was a Monday night and I was currently locked in the bathroom at three thirty in the morning.

I hadn't told Harry yet, quite frankly I was more afraid of his reaction that my alleged pregnancy. It was way too soon, it hadn't even been a year yet since I joined this family and I was already impregnated with my ex-boss's baby.

My nails were as short as they possibly could be, my anxiety had gotten the best of me that it caused me to bite them off.

Just do it, it'll be worse if you wait any longer. My subconscious says. With one last deep sigh, my trembling hand reaches for the down faced test, holding my breath I turn it over and much to mine and Gemma's suspicion, it tested positive.

I felt my heart sink to my stomach, my muscles clenched and I felt dizzy that just thinking about it made vile rise to my throat making me throw it up in the toilet bowl. I definitely did not need to take a second pregnancy test.

There's a knock at the door and I immediately flush the toilet and shove the pregnancy test in the farthest end of the drawer. "I'll be right out." I say and begin to brush my teeth.

"Are you alright?" Harry speaks, his voice was groggy and raspy. After rinsing my mouth, I open the door to see him shirtless in his pj bottoms and tousled curls in disarray. "Do you still feel sick?"

"No, I'm fine." I say. I hated lying to him, but I knew I wasn't ready to tell him just yet... or ever if I'm being honest. He looks at me as I walk past him towards the bed. How the hell was I supposed to set up doctor appointments without raising Harry's suspicions? I didn't have to worry about the girls, I knew they had school and I could take Eric with me.

But Harry was another story, he's already growing suspicions I can feel it. When I feel Harry lay back down beside me, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

"We're going to take a little trip to the doctors and you're not going to say a word." I say as I tie Eric's black converse. It was currently twelve in the afternoon and I was getting ready to leave to the hospital to book an appointment.

When I get there, I place Eric on his stroller as we reach the front desk where I file out my information and after what felt like forever, the doctor calls my name. He had me lay on the bed and expose my stomach whilst he performed an ultrasound while Eric was in the stroller playing with my keys.

"Alright," the doctor says, removing his gloves and sliding in his chair towards the monitor. I quickly cleaned the gel off my stomach, pulled my shirt down and sat up. "You are currently five weeks pregnant." He says making my breath hitch at the back of my throat.

"I'm sorry, five?" The condom had ripped two weeks ago, almost three, how could I be five weeks pregnant? "I've been taking my birth control daily."

"Have you? I mean, think about it. Is there maybe a chance you might've forgot?" He asks and I sit back. We have been traveling a lot, the jet lag had amounted and... there was that time where I just knocked out early every single day. "You are starting to bloat, not much but that's pretty normal. Every woman's body reacts differently to pregnancy."

Five weeks. "Was there anything yet?" I ask, pointing to the monitor.

"Of course, but the baby is only the size of an apple seed, however it is undergoing important development at five weeks so I suggest that you start taking prenatal vitamins for that," he begins jotting down on his prescription pad.

"Are the symptoms going to worsen?" Please say no, please say no.

"Well, there will be mild cramping, some spotting, mood swings, morning sickness, sore breasts, lots of fatigue. I would love to go on but if I'm being honest with you, we could be here all day." He jokes, chuckling to himself.

After he prescribed the medication and vitamins I would need, he told me my appointments would be once every month which I was glad for, since that would lessen the chances of Harry finding out. On the way home, I had picked up some Chinese food and got the girls from school. I knew Harry would be home soon and I was currently loosing my shit.

I had spoke to Gemma when I left the hospital and she basically joked about me going home one day to Harry with the baby already in my arms. I was beyond scared, I hoped and prayed Harry wouldn't be upset with me.

Images of him leaving me and taking the kids away clouded my mind. That was the last thing I wanted and it kept me from saying anything to him. When we got home, the girls ran inside and I followed behind with Eric on my hip and the food on my other hand.

"We're home!" Penelope announces as I place my keys on the hook. Harry comes out from around the corner and engulfs the girls in a large hug before he walks towards me and kissed Eric on his head and me on the lips.

"Glad to have you back," he says taking Eric from me. I had hidden my medication and vitamins in my purse beforehand so the girls wouldn't see it in the car.

"I bought Chinese." I say and he grins at me. "I would've cooked but Eric and I were at the park all day." I lie and Harry turns to him.

"Did you have fun?" He asks him.

"Baby!" Eric says and I almost drop the food.

"That's right, you are a baby." Harry says and relief washes over me. Look at me, getting scared over a child exposing my secrets.

"What would you like to drink?" I ask Harry once I give the kids their juice. When he looks to me, he seems to notice the baby shirt that belonged to him.

"Is that my Green Day shirt?" He asks, a small smirk on his lips and I look down to it.

"I found it in the back of the closet. Figured you didn't wear it anymore so I decided on wearing it to be more comfortable." And not look pregnant.

"Well, by all means keep it. God knows you look much better in it." He says and I smile before handing him a glass of water.

This was just the beginning.

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