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"Kingston is an hour away," I say as I tried to peak through my closed airplane window but Harry only closed it before I even got to push it up. "Why didn't we just drive or take the ferry there?"

"Do my ears deceive me, or am I hearing more complaining?" Harry mocks, looking at me from his emails on his laptop. I roll my eyes and give an exaggerated sigh.

"I'm just saying it would've been much faster." I mumble making him chuckle.

"Was I not clear which Kingston we'd be going to?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Washington?" I say unsure of myself and Harry snorts.

"What kind of business am I going to do there? Tending to the cows in the farms?" He retorts. "I meant Kingston in Jamaica." He explains and I let out an oh. So that explains why he asked me to pack clothes for a hot climate.

"And what are you going to be doing there?"

"You just worry about sitting there looking pretty, though I'm sure that won't be a problem." Harry says. "And leave the rest to me." And with that, Harry went back to forwarding, receiving and sending emails on his laptop.

I figured the flight would be long so I sat back and slept before I woke up again in the middle of the night to see everyone around asleep. I decided on quietly choosing a movie on the small TV our part of the plane offered and watched it with my headphones in to not disturb anyone.

I ended up falling back asleep and after what felt like forever, the flight attendant reminded us that we'd be landing shortly. I make it my job to shake Harry awake, I found it hard at times to get him to wake up because he valued his sleep, just as much as he valued his job and his kids.

After about three minutes of trying and failing, Harry finally opened an eye before he rubbed them both and stretched in his seat, letting out a yawn. "You sleep like a log." I comment as I stand up to grab my luggage.

We grab an Uber and fight the sleep in the car, considering it was already five in the morning I wanted nothing more than to just get to the hotel and sleep as much as I could. "I've got a meeting in two hours." Harry rasps out, rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

"We're almost there, sir." The driver says reassuringly and Harry thanks him. Five minutes later, we're taking the elevator to our room. I was much too tired to look around and explore so I told myself I'd do it in the morning.

"Forty hour plane ride," Harry groans, taking his shoes off and leaving his suitcase by the entrance. I lock the door and turn to see him sprawled our on the bed. "Come to bed, baby."

I giggle at the pet name and his slurred words but walk to the bed regardless. "You're sleeping in your clothes?" I ask and he nods.

"I don't care if I look unprofessional, I'm only an investor." He mumbles.

"That's still a something to look presentable for." I point out and he groans.

"I'll shower in the morning." He slurs and when his breathing picks up, I can tell he's asleep. I quickly take off my makeup and change into shorts and an a long t-shirt before getting into bed next to him, quickly falling asleep.

The morning sun hits my face as I turn on my side, feeling the bed beside me only to find it empty making me open my eyes to see Harry wasn't there.

I sit up, rubbing the sleep off my eyes and look around. The curtains were open revealing a nice view outside. I must've been too tired last night to realize we had an beautiful view of the ocean.

I noticed that the sliding door was open, the sheer white curtain blowing inwards because of the wind making me get out of the very comfortable bed. I saw a silhouette as I got closer and when I peeked outside, Harry was pouring orange juice into glasses.

I smile as I lean on the doorframe, the sun hitting my skin nicely and the wind was fresh. I watch as Harry places utensils on either side of the plates before he turns to me. "Good morning," he smiles, allowing me to see his dimples.

I giggle and step outside and Harry greets me by kissing my lips. "What's all this?" I ask as he places a hand at the small of my back and leads me to a chair.

"Breakfast, of course." He chuckles and sits down, placing his napkin on his lap. On the table, there was bowls of fresh fruit, smoothies and mimosas. I grabbed a croissant and buttered it before throwing a piece into my mouth.

"What time is the inaugural event?" I ask, bringing the glass to my lips. Harry wipes his mouth with the napkin and swallows his food before answering.

"Like three hours ago." He chuckles and I set my glass of mimosa down.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

Harry shrugs, offering me a strawberry which I gladly eat. "You looked so beautiful sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you." He says making me smile. "Also, there was nothing exciting about it. I just couldn't wait to come back. I've got so much planned for us."

He grabs my hands in his and kisses the back of them. "Like?" I ask and he nods back to the food.

"Finish breakfast first, and you'll see." He gives a small lopsided smile before taking a drink from his mimosa. After breakfast, we take a rental to the dock where boats and yachts were parked on the shore.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as Harry leads us to a yacht that was ready to take off. He exchanges a few words with a man on it before he's telling us to enjoy and walks off.

"Welcome to The Pearl." Harry says and gestures for me to get in. I look around, noticing a table set off to the side with a bucket of champagne. "It was my father's, he loved bringing my mum here on dates back when they first began dating." His face lights up at the memory. "Rich bastard."

I laugh at his comment. "And look at you following in his footsteps." I remark and grab the flute of champagne he offers me. He winks at me. "You don't say much about him."

"There's no way to describe him," he looks out into the water, the wind blowing his curls. "He was a great man, the best actually. I've always wanted to be like him when I grew up and I still do. Even after my parents divorced he still continued to give my mother the life she deserves."

I smile and nod as he speaks, wishing I would've met him. "He does sound wonderful."

"Yeah," he smiles. "He would've loved you." He kisses my forehead. "Anyway, enough sap. We've got some fun to have."

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