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"The cheek of that woman!" Anne says, her eyebrows knitting together as she expressed her feelings towards Renata. "How was she even allowed there after what she put you through with her father?"

It was the next morning and all of us were on the kitchen table having breakfast. Harry rubs the sleep off his eyes and lets out a yawn. "I don't know, I didn't think she'd go that far." Harry says.

"Well, she disrespected our father's name one last time." Gemma adds, coming down the stairs with Des awake in her arms. Harry reaches for her and Gemma allows him to take her into his arms. "Mum and I absolutely hate her."

"And it takes so much for me to hate someone." Anne agrees. "But enough about her, how was it?" Anne asks, looking to me.

"It was... interesting. Very luxurious, something I'm not used to." I chuckle.

"Well, you might have to get used to it if you keep Harry's company. Something tells me he'll keep surprising you." Anne winks at me making Harry clear his throat.

"I think it's time for us to go," Harry says, standing up with Des in his arms. I caress her soft cheek before Anne takes her from him. "We don't want to miss our flight."

"Will you be coming back for Sophia's birthday?"

"More than likely." Harry replies. "But I've got the thing to do first." Anne mouths an oh and nods. "Remember, call if you need anything."

After bidding our goodbye's and getting the kids out of bed, Harry and I are driving away in the rental to the airport where we arrive just in time for our flight.

"What thing do you have to do?" I finally ask him. The Sophia and Penelope were focused on a movie on their iPad while Eric slept.

Harry looks away from his emails on his laptop. "Just something at I need to do at work." He says. "I don't want to bore you. You should rest." He gives me a smile before pecking my lips and returning to his screen.

I was pretty tired and considering it was six in morning, I saw it fit to just go back to sleep.


Another week flew by and Harry has been more busy than he's ever been at work. He often stays late, the latest he's stayed was until four in the morning. He had called to let me know he was going to be staying in the room he had in his office where he owned a shower too.

To say I was suspicious of the whole thing was an understatement. Then again, he was CEO of multiple companies and I didn't want to come off as a paranoid girlfriend. I figured he didn't need anymore stress and we were both adults and knew what we were doing.

But still, something in my mind told me to be just a bit cautious on wether he was lying or not. But I always almost brushed those thoughts of finding Harry in his office with his secretary out of my mind.

In the abbreviated words of Gemma: he's an older man with kids and doesn't have time to fuck around.

All I could do was hope those words were true.

"Rosalie, can you come here please?" I hear Harry's voice say as I was leaving the kitchen. I shove my phone into my pocket and go inside Harry's office.

"Yes?" I say, taking a seat on the edge of his desk. Harry glances at the ripped parts of my jeans and plays with the loose strings.

"Did I not pay you enough to buy you some new jeans?" He jokes making me roll my eyes.

"Which reminds me, you're about ten months too late on my paycheck." I joke back making him chuckle before his demeanor chances again to being serious. "What's the matter?"

"I've got some business in Kingston that I've to attend to this week," he says putting hair behind my ear. "The building is new, and seeing as I'm the primary investor of the franchise, I have to be there for the inaugural event." He explains.

The paranoid in me was longing and clawing to show herself but I fought it. "Do you have to?" I say with a pout and watch as he smiles and touches my lip with his thumb.

"I do," he nods. "And I want you to come with." As soon as he says this, I visibly relax. The paranoid part of me fading as Harry waited for me to speak.

"Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't want to intrude on your job." I say and mean it. The last thing I'd want him to do is be distracted by me being there.

He smiles and caresses my knuckles. "Of course I'm sure. It'd bring me joy to have you there with me. You'd be making my job a bit more tolerable." He winks.

"And what about the kids?" I say.

"I already went ahead and asked your grandmother if she could watch them." He says making me sit up straight. "Well, more like she offered herself to take care of them and since the kids enjoy being with her, I thought why not?"

Of course my grandma would offer to take care of the kids, she loves them like if they were her own. "So you assumed I had nothing better to do?" I challenge with a smirk and a raise of my eyebrow.

Harry gives me a look which tells me he knows me better than myself. "You live with me, baby." He says making me roll my eyes as he gives me a smirk. "Might as well stop complaining and go pack your bags."

"Is that an order?" I cross my arms and he leans back on his chair, toying with a pen on his hand.

"I mean, I do recall being your boss." He shrugs making me giggle and leave the room.

CEO's Nanny [h.s] AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ