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It was probably counting up to the fifth time that Harry's phone kept ringing uncontrollably, making me stir in my sleep and when I noticed that he wasn't doing anything to stop it I got out of bed and went across the hallway to knock on his door.

"Harry?" I say, opening the door to see him asleep while hugging the pillow. I softly shake him awake. "Your phone's been ringing." I say making him prop himself up with his elbow.

He grabs his phone and pats the spot next to him, allowing me to sit and wait as he calls back. It probably rang once before the call picked up. "Mum?" He says into the receiver. He was still half asleep, but whatever his mother told him on the other end had him jumping out of bed in no time. "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can!" He says from his closet.

"Is everything alright?" I ask with a yawn while rubbing sleep off my eyes. I saw him stuffing clothes inside his suitcase, not bothering to fold them first.

"My mum." He says shortly, not stopping his actions. I stand up and follow him inside the bathroom before following him back out.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." I say.

"Um, my sister." He says. "She's going into labor."

"Your sister? I didn't even know you had a sister." I say, he's never mentioned having one, I've never seen any pictures to say the least.

"Yeah well, we kind of aren't in speaking terms as of much. But I guess she took this time to go MIA and get pregnant. My mum said she's about to give birth anytime soon."

"Do you need any help?" I ask, tying my hair up in a messy bun, now fully awake. I had so many questions.

"Yes, I'm going to need you to pack your things, we have a plane to catch." He says, taking me off guard.

"Wait— you're taking me? I haven't even met your family." I say. "Are you sure you don't need me to stay and watch the kids?"

"No, I want you there. The kids need to see their grandma, it's been a while." He says. "Bring coats, London is fucking freezing." I quickly obeyed and dressed myself in some jeans and an oversized grey hoodie. I packed my things in my suitcase before rushing into the kids bedroom and packed their stuff as well.

Once we finished, Harry made sure to enable all the security cameras and lock all doors before we stepped outside, it was still dark, since it was now three in the morning.

We were all pretty sleepy and the kids went back to sleep on the car ride to the airport, once there Harry bought our tickets before we boarded the plane we would be in for almost ten hours.

When the plane finally landed in London, Harry had quickly bought a rental car and we drove to the hospital, immediately going inside to see his sister had already given birth.

"Why was I not informed?" Harry asked his mother as soon as they engulfed each other in a tight hug. She was beautiful. She had dark hair, a fair skin color and green eyes just like Harry with the slightest of wrinkles on the sides of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, she asked me not to tell you anything." She apologized, engulfing the kids in hugs before she turned to me with a sweet smile. "And you must be Rosalie." She says. I reach my hand out for a handshake with a smile but she laughs, taking me into a warm hug. "No need for handshakes honey, Harry's told me all about you. I practically feel like I know you already." She says.

When we pull away, she keeps my hands in hers. "It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Styles." I say politely.

She cups my cheek. "Call me Anne."

"How is she doing?" Harry asked making Anne turn to him with a grin.

"She's doing just fine. The baby is beautiful. It's a girl. You want to see her?" Anne asks in which Harry shakes his head no.

"I don't think Gemma would like that."

Anne rolls her eyes. "It's time that you two sort out whatever childish argument you're dealing with. It's been years. Get over it already." I looked to Harry, obviously confused over what their conflict was but I decided on asking questions later.

Anne took us inside the room where a pale girl with blonde hair lays in bed, changing the channel on the television the room had. As soon as her eyes land on Harry she looks at Anne in anger but Anne rolls her eyes.

"What is he doing here?" She asks with an accent almost as strong as Anne's. "I thought it was family only."

"Gemma, please. He is here because he wanted to see you."

"I'm actually here because mum called me. When were you planning on telling me?" Harry crossed his arms, annoyance etched in his tone.

I stood beside Harry as him and his sister argued back and fourth. "I have no reason why I should say anything to you. You chose your wife over your family, even after she cheated on you multiple times. You turned your back to us when we needed you the most just to be with her! Now look at you! Three kids and a nanny to help you out with them." She says. "For all you know, that baby isn't even yours."

"Gemma that's enough!" Anne shouts making the room go silent.

"That's why you're a single mother. Because you're so fucking bitchy nobody can stand to even be with you."

"Don't bite your tongue." I noticed Harry's hands ball into fists before exiting the room, preventing him from saying anything he might regret later on.

"I'm so sorry." Anne says to me. Eric was now crying on my arms before I followed Harry outside where he sat on the waiting chairs.

"I tried coming here, so that maybe we could sort things out between us and this is how she fucking treats me?" He says. "This is why I isolated myself in the first place. She always thought she could control my life only because she couldn't control her own."

"Maybe it's not too late to fix things." I mumble.

"You heard the way she talked to me. She's still pretty pissed about the whole situation. I can't blame her though. It was fucked up of me to turn my back on my own family just to be with Renata. It was the worst mistake I did in my life. Hell, I wasn't even here when my step father died. I wasn't here to comfort my own grieving mother yet she still received me with open arms."

"Just try. It could work, if you really want to fix the relationship with your sister. You'd try. It won't be easy, but it'll all work out in the end." I say, rubbing his back for comfort.

After a while, he lifts his head from his hands before looking at me with a weak smile. "What would I do without you?"

Lord knows.

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