Dreaded Words

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It's been a whole week since I posted my form and all anyone talks about is the upcoming Report, where the thirty-five women will be selected

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It's been a whole week since I posted my form and all anyone talks about is the upcoming Report, where the thirty-five women will be selected. As I finish up making Madame Adelaide's bed the unsettling nervous continue to grow. Unlike the rest of the female population around my age this is not because I dream of falling in love and wish to be chosen tonight, no. Actually it's the complete opposite, I can't wait for this whole ordeal to be done and over with. When I'm finished fluffing the multiple pillows an reorranging them I make my way down into the small servants quarters, where I am greeted by Charlotte.

"Hi Emily, can you believe that today thirty-five girls lives are going to change today? Aren' t you excited?" my best friend asks like dreading tonights report is not a normal reaction.

"Of course I'm excited" I deadpan with a fake smile plastered on my face like it has been for the last week. I've known Charlotte ever since I started working for Madame Adelaide just over three years ago. We are complete opposites in every way from our looks, my blonde hair and her perfectly curled brunet hair, to our personalities. No matter what caste she is or how desperate her family money problems are Charlotte always seems to look on the bright side. I could use some of that.

"Why did Adelaide want all of her staff to go into the competition anyways?" I ask generally curious.

"Isn't it obvious? If one of us wins she will know the future queen. She just wants that connection to the crown" Daniela answers my question as she enters the room.

"Or she just wants the best for us" Charlotte suggests in her usual cheery voice, full of optimism. Suddenly, the service bell starts to ring grabbing all of our attention. "I'll go" Charlotte jumps in. when none of us protest she hurries off.

"I know you don't want to do this" Daniela blurts out.

"I don't know what you're talking about Daniela" I reply simply.

"Yes you do Emily. This whole competition, you hate the idea and I do too. It's a load of rubbish and I feel sorry for the thirty-five girls who get chosen tonight" She complains as we both slump down on the small wooden chairs provided.

"So what are you going to do if you're chosen" I ask in curiosity.

"Get kicked out obviously, it won't be that hard. I'll probably just step on the princes foot and in an hours time you will see me back here" She brushes off like it's the simplest thing. Maybe it is."anyway, everyone knows it's all fixed so nobody below the caste of three can get in". This plants a small seed of hope inside me. I know that it may not be true but I couldn't imagine the royals socialising with anyone from our caste. Looking at the clock on the opposite wall I realise how much trouble i'm going to be in. Everyday Madame Adelaide always has her tea at exactly two. It's now five past.

Once I served a rather grumpy Madame Adelaide her tea she felt it necessary to berate me for my foolishness. So overall you could say my day wasn't great and I had a feeling it isn't going to get any better. Looking at the sky I can tell it's nearing the time for the report, the sun has started to set and a beautiful mix of orange and dark blue has blended along the horizon. Also the usual crowds have thinned out and only a few people meander around. Presumably the masses are sitting in front of their small tv's anticipating the report. This time of the day is the only couple of moments I have to myself and I treasure that. Usually I would enjoying the quiet, but today I can't seem to keep my head clear for even a second. It's impossible. Walking under the flickering light from the lamppost, I realise that I'm slowing my pace and prolonging my journey with each step. Shaking my head as if trying to rid my head of dust I return to my normal pace and arrive at my doorstep in no time.

"Em you're finally home. Why are you so late? Quick or were are going to miss the report" Poppy takes my hand and rushes me to the already cramped sofa. Sitting on the edge with Poppy to my left I feel like my insides are itching to come out. I'm so nervous. Emily there's no need to be afraid, just think of all the girls who can get picked. It won't be you. Remember what Daniela told you, they might not even allow sixes in the competition. It won't be you.

I continue this mantra over and over and over again trying to calm my nervous. I mindlessly watch the beginning of the report only catching key words or phrases that don't make much sense. When the princes Selection is motioned Its like I have been dunked in an Ice cold bath, I'm knocked out of my trance. All of my senses feel heightened and I can't seem to slow my rapid heart beat. Gregory (the host) starts talking about how the prince has grown up over the recent years and then starts to interview the prince himself. At first glance the prince actually seems nervous for once but I dismiss the thought, its probably just my nerves getting to me. Right before I loose my sanity the seemingly endless names are read out. I catch some of them like; Grace Barker, Abi Newman and Alice Johnston (who is apparently a model). I start to relax as we near the end of the report. But then I hear the most nauseating words.

"Emily Faye".

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