The Palace

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Although the private plane was the most luxurious place I've been I couldn't get comfortable

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Although the private plane was the most luxurious place I've been I couldn't get comfortable. Imagine a white canvas, obviously its made to be used but wouldn't you feel scared to ruin it. That's exactly how I feel. not only is the plane immaculate but has a massive tv, mountains of food and a shower! There are three others girls on this particular flight with me; Lilly Stewarts, Eva Bailey and Grace Barker. Both Lilly and Eva have bleach blonde hair that makes mine seem dull and plain. Lilly is clearly a two, with her high fashion (and outrageously short) red dress, which is decked out with sparkling gems. Similarly Eva looks well looked after but overall more appropriate with her sleek black trousers and white blouse. The stark contrast to the two well groomed women is Grace, who is dressed in a plain pair of blue jeans and t-shirt, just like me. None of them are outrageously nasty, just a tad judgemental. Attempting not to become antisocial I chose to sit next to Grace as I vaguely remember Gregory (from the report) saying she was a five. This means that hopefully she won't be as inclined to hate me from the start. However, just in case this plan is a complete disaster I'm also sitting next to the window so I'm all set to stare at the passing landscape for the whole journey. As we lift higher and higher into the air the country bellow merges and everything that had seemed so big and significant in my life turns into a small dot, insignificant in the bigger picture.

"Isn't it such a lovely view. I wish I could just grab my paints and start a whole new masterpiece" Grace says looking as if she's in her own world.

"Are you an artist?" I ask trying to spark some sort of conversation.

"Yes my father taught me when I was very young. I love the way you can capture a moment within the stroke of a brush. what's your job?" she says with a genuine smile.

"I'm a maid" I blandly reply knowing its nothing compared to the life she lives.

"Isn't this all so exciting, not just because of the prize but the whole idea of actually living with the royal family" Grace carries on as if our difference in caste doesn't bother her at all. It astonishes me how someone can look past such a big detail, but maybe just like my town not everything I thought is important actually is to everyone else.

"Well I'll be sent home in a couple of days so until then I guess I'll try and remotely enjoy myself" I mumble trying not to sound completely ungrateful.

"why do you say that? You're so beautiful I bet the prince will keep you" she beams at me.

After think over my reply multiple times I settle for just listening to Grace talk about her family and friends. Surprisingly this makes me dread the next few days a little less. If any of  the other girls are like Grace this can't be too bad. continuing to listen to Grace's active life I begin to miss my family and think about how Poppy would be amazed at how high we are in the sky and how mum would be envious of the smooth fabric the chairs are made out of. Even dad would appreciate the copious amount of food on bored. Deciding to not wallow in despair I slightly shake my head to clear my thoughts, and once again look out of the window. Instead of seeing a patchwork I see the bright lights of a city witch are rapidly getting bigger, closer. Instantly a chorus of shrieks erupt.

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