Meeting The Princess

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There are only twenty of us at breakfast the next morning and I can feel the unanswered question in the air: Where are they? There's a sense of foreboding as we eat our breakfast in silence. A few hushed conversations punctuate the uncomfortable atmosphere as we all look to one another with questioning eyes.

"Last night I heard Prince Cayden talking to some girls down the hall" Grace comments nervously playing with her food. Instantly I get distracted by the thought of food. Instead of having pancakes we have porridge and fruit salad. I continue to eat my breakfast not really thinking about anything else. "Where do you think they are?" I hear grace persist in having a conversation. Putting down my spoon of porridge I start to think about all the possible answers: maybe they've just slept in or perhaps out on a date with the prince - no that wouldn't make sense why would someone take twenty girls on a date, isn't that a bit too much? And then an exciting but also confusing thought overcomes me. They've been eliminated. I must have completely blanked out because only moments later I feel someone persistently prodding me in the leg. Unsurprisingly I look over and see Grace's worried face. "So?", It's clear she's not giving up until I give her a convincing answer.

"Maybe they got kicked out" I offer as the only reasonable answer. Grace's features then fill up in confusion. Trust me i'm just as confused.

"But why would he eliminate them?" she whispers making sure no-one else hears our conversation. I nearly burst out laughing at her antics, the closest person to us is ten seats along!

"It could be something to do with the report yesterday, or they could have said something to him since we got here that he didn't like" I think over the past couple of days. "I just don't get why he hasn't eliminated me yet" I mumble in a bitter tone. Seriously, what do I have to do to leave this place? I haven't been any nicer than the other fifteen girls. I let out a frustrated sigh.

The rest of breakfast goes by uneventfully, as we leave Julia gives us a schedule with our new lessons on. I resist the urge to throw it away knowing I won't be here for much longer.

"Ooh we have a lesson today!" Grace squeals jumping up and down unable to contain her excitement. I quickly smile at her and mumble something about needing to get something from my room before rushing up the stairs and collapsing on my newly made bed.

"Emily what's wrong?" Anne comes to my side concern clearly evident.

"I just can't stand sitting in the women's room all day. It's so boring all that happens is the girls gossip about the prince" I rant needing to release my anger.

"I totally understand" Lucy adds and I sit up to look at her. Seeing my confusion she elaborates "whenever I go in there to refill the tea all I hear is Alice complaining about other girls or swooning over the prince". I laugh as Anne roles her eyes at us.

"You can't hide up here all day" Anne protests making me frown.

"Why not?" I question seeing no reason for me to not just stay up here and talk with them.

"Because you have a lesson today" Anne points out making me look down at my schedule and internally groan. Dinner etiquette. Can't wait for that, note the sarcasm dripping from the statement. It seems ,as usual, Anne is right.

"Can I please just stay up here for a couple of minutes then I promise I will go straight back down stairs?" I plead using my best puppy eyes. Please  let this work, please.

"Fine but if your going to be here let us fix your hair" Anne says making me and Lucy jump up to hug her.

"Thank you , thank you, thank you" we chorus.

After about ten minutes of Anne redoing my hair in a crown plait while I fill Lucy in on all the gossip I'm ready to venture back down stairs. All of a sudden I realise something.

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