Motherly Advice

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Cayden's POV

I always imagined my first date. Ever since the age of five I've been taught my role as a prince and future king, but not only this, that when I come of age my selection will be held, my one chance at love. 

My mother used to tell me bedtime stories of how my father's selection went; their first date, falling in love and even rivalries between the girls. To be honest it sounded more like a movie or book than reality. However, that's the thing It's my reality, my future. And now I'm here walking or more like being dragged through the garden with Emily. Seeing her smile and excitement brings butterflies to my stomach. It reminds me of when my mum explained that when she was a selected she used to feel the only escape from the madness was the gardens, and only now I see the truth in this. Once we  get to the centre of the gardens Emily slows down to a casual stroll, still taking in every flower she passes.

"The girls couldn't stop gossiping about you during breakfast" she pulls my attention back to the conversation and away from memory lane. "like they always do" I laugh at the slight annoyed tone making an appearance. It's been so long since I could just relax and enjoy someone's company.

"And what were 'the girls' gossiping about?" I asks with an amused smile. Honestly I just can't wait to hear what the selected have been saying about me, although there is a part of me that's nervous to hear the truth.

"The usual; about how handsome you are, but today they seemed to all be a bit on edge because of something one of them heard" Emily explains in a bored tone. I'm slightly disappointed by this, clearly she doesn't feel the same as. And then I suddenly pick up on the second half of her sentence.

"And what was that?" I ask, genuinely curious of what gossip has been going around.

"That you plan to take a girl out for your first date today" I just look at her in confusion. Why is she talking about this when we were on said date?

"And what did you say?", I stop walking and just wait for her reply, hoping it will clear up my confusion.

"Nothing, I just secretly hope that it would be with Grace or anyone except Alice. I can tell she just wants the crown and would be a terrible queen", and then it clicked. Emily doesn't know thus is a date! I decided to ignore her repeated suggestion to go on a date with Grace.

"Do you think you would be a good queen?" I ask, trying to steer the conversation towards Emily.

"No"she says with all confidence ."Whoever you choose needs to be strongwilled and understand what it's like to have nothing but also be loving, caring and look the part; poised, polite and be there for you. The country needs someone like that, and you do too". I don't understand, how could she be so wrong? Emily would be the perfect queen, she's everything she just explained and so selfless, always thinking of others before her. "You know Grace is all those things and more", and this is when I had to stop her.

"no" I grunts, knowing that if I say anymore I will soon regret it.

"No?" she asks clearly confused at my appearing anger.

"I don't think we would work" I explain in all truths. I just couldn't be with someone like Grace. Don't get me wrong she's great, but she's not Emily. "Because Im starting to have feelings for someone else" I say before even realising. Hoping that she won't pick up on my previous slip up I quickly change the topic. "why do u think I brought you here Emily?".

"I don't know. Umm.. because you were bored" she mumbles, avoiding my gaze.

"This is my first date. It's you" I simply answer my own question, ignoring her ridiculous answer.

Suddenly realising the lack of space between us I am no longer able to hold myself back. Needing the felling of her in my arms I swiftly close the gap between us and finally connect her seat incising lips with mine. The sheer bliss causes sparks to ignite across my body as I feel Emily's body stay frozen in shock. Too quickly for my liking, we separate and that's when I realise what I've done.

Her usually crystal clear eyes are now hazed over with confusion and panic. Then everything happens in slow motion; Emily slips from my comfortable hold, leaving me shattered.

What have I done?

"Emily" I shout at her retreating figure. Once she disappears from view I slump on one of the benches. What have I done? Well done Cayden you just screwed everything up, I tell my self. Running my hands through my hair frustrated I try to come up with a way to save what I've just ruined. Coming up dry I rush off to my room, slamming the door and pacing. The anger boilers up as my fist connects with the wall.

After a few minutes of letting out my frustration I hear a soft knock and instantly freeze.

"Cayden, can I come in honey?" I hear my mums voice speak through the door.

"Yeah mum" I pant out of breath. As the door opens I hear a small gasp as she takes in the state of my room.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I've screwed everything up" I grit out, collapsing onto my knees and grabbing my head between my hands.

"Oh honey" my mum comes rushing over to me.

"What do I do now?" I mumble out. She allows me time to calm down before talking.

"Cayden what did you do? I'm sure we can fix this" she reassures.

"I kissed Emily" I explain and cringe at my mothers smile. "And then she ran away".

"Maybe she's just scared because your the prince, she'll come around" the voice of reason that she always is suggests.

"No mum she's not like the others. Emily doesn't care about my title, she just doesn't like me" I pitifully looking into my mothers blue eyes.

"She does like you. You may think I'm old but I see these things. The way you look at each other, she may not know it yet but she definitely likes you", brushing my hair away from my soaked eyes she continues; "and Cayden you have to be careful. I can see you've already fallen for her so don't give up".

And with that I decide there's no way I'm letting Emily go.

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