Giggling Girls

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Looking around I'm surprise to say I feel extremely underdressed

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Looking around I'm surprise to say I feel extremely underdressed. Most of the other girls are wearing floor length ball gowns with detailed patterns or decked in the most expensive looking jewellery. Just like Anne had said early. I mentally make a note to actually listen to her next time. Compared to my simple cream dress all the other thirty-four girls colourful and bright, but this only fills me with relief once I realise that  I am completely and utterly overshadowed by the other women. With a small miracle I will go unnoticed.

"Good morning girls. Before we go to breakfast we will be making quick introductions with the prince" once the p word leaves her mouth a calmer of giggles and screams fills the landing. Is it going to always be like this because I'm already bored of it!

"Girls, girls. That is no way to act like a lady!" by the bitter tone I can recognise that voice from anywhere. Julia.

Without even noticing, I'm left on the landing by myself. panicking I look around for any sign of where everyone went. Out of the corner of my eye I see the bright purple of a dress swish down the staircase. Instantly I rush to keep up with the group. When I catch up with the crowd I search the through the chattering teenage girls to find Grace only a few steps ahead.

"Grace" I call over the seemingly endless talk about the 'perfect' prince. All this swooning makes me feel sick, and we haven't even met him yet! Just as Grace hears me she slows down and makes her way to me.

"I was starting to worry about you" I hear her voice muffle from our hug. "Oh I'm so nervous I can hardly even think straight. I didn't know we were going to meet the prince today or I would have dressed up" she says gesturing to her pink ballgown, looking defeated. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling like the rest of these girls. There is no competition between us, Grace looks like a future queen while I look more like a little girl playing dress up. And yet again my thoughts cast back to the dress Anne had originally offered. Maybe I should have just worn it. But theres no going back now, I think to myself as we reach the first floor and enter the first door on our left. The humongous room Is filled with individual desks with chairs lined up in  seven rows of five. In the far corner, looking extremely out of place, are two dark blue sofas facing one another.

"Take a seat at a desk of your choice and wait quietly until the prince arrives" Julia instructs in her teacher like voice. In an instant the first three rows are filled and I instinctively make my way to the back row. Grace reluctantly follows.

"Couldn't we sit closer" she asks looking as if she's about to get down on her knees and beg me.

"Honestly Grace I'm trying to help you. By sitting at the front you're only going to look desperate like the rest of those girl" I say gesturing to the front where the most provocative girls placed themselves.

"I guess you're right" she reluctantly concedes. After a few minutes Graces mood goes back to happily excitable and I'm relieved to see this. For about another ten minutes I try to calm her nerves and listen to all the stories she tells me about her life and I'm genuinely awed by all of it. Then the sound of a door opening silences us all.

Time for me to be sent home.

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