Night Visitor

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All I want to do is sleep. Seriously, I've been basically waiting all day for this exact moment where I can lay on my overly comfortably and drift off into an endless sleep. Apparently the prince had other ideas.  Felling my bed calling me over, I get straight to it.

"I don't mean to be rude your highness, but why are you here?". Shock is evident on his face and it takes a few moments for him to go back to normal and a smirk to appear.

"I almost forgot you're not like the other girls" he mumbles to himself with a slight chuckle. "I'm here because we didn't finish our conversation the other day", with this his smirk grows. Right now I can literally feel my body begging me to go to bed. Forcing my eyes open I see that he's still there. Great. I turn around leaving the door open and sit down on my bed. Looking over to the doorway I see he's hesitant to follow me. 

"You can come in" I tell the prince. As I remember my mistake I quickly add "Your highness". Prince Cayden hesitantly walks over and perches on the edge of my bed. I roll my eyes at his awkwardness. after a few seconds I decide to break the silence, "Can I just call you Cayden? All this 'your highness' business is just such a mouthful at this time of night" I blurt out without thinking. This might get me sent home, but oh well.

"Of course" He answers as his light laughter fills the room.  

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I just wanted to get to know you a bit more" he states simply. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk tomorrow, in the gardens" Cyden asks. I thought about it, what harm could come of a walk in the gardens? It would get me out of the women's room and away from Alice.


The SelectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora