Midnight Wandering

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following one of the maids up the spiralling wooden staircase I try to remember the way as best possible

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following one of the maids up the spiralling wooden staircase I try to remember the way as best possible. Red carpet seems to cover every inch of the flooring. Once we arrived on the large landing we make a sharp right and walk past numerous amount of paintings before reaching the end where one singular door lies.

"Your room Lady Emily" she gestures towards the white door. Tentatively I twist the handle and step in. This is the biggest bedroom I could ever imagine. Inside there's a double bed with lavender floral bedding and at least five pillows, a desk in the corner, a table and chairs, a glass door leading out to a rather large balcony and two other doors; one to my left and one to my right. Without even bothering to explore further I collapse on the bed and sink into the silk sheets. The bedding feels as if your lying on a cloud. It's unbelievable. Without getting changed I try to get some sleep.

Soon enough I give up on the plans as it has been over an hour and I have yet to even be able to close my eyes . Sitting back up I look at the clock to find its already 11:30 and that the soft hue of light has completely disappeared. Becoming unbearable restless I can no longer contain my urge to explore and slowly slip out of my room and down the long corridor. Just before I'm about to walk down the stairs I distinctly remember I stupidly walk face first into a wall! Only I could do that.

"Are you ok?" a gruff voice murmurs from somewhere in front of me. Oh great someone just had to be there to experience my humiliation with me! Not so gracefully getting off my butt I look up to find a rather tall figure standing in the shadows.

"Yes just perfect" sarcasm drips from my statement, but at the moment I don't really care. As I start to storm back down the corridor the annoying voice starts talking again. Won't he just leave me alone!

"What's your name?" He asks as I continue to make my way along the corridor.

"Why should I tell you?" I snap back.

"Umm" he verbally stumble trying to find an answer. Seeing the last door of the corridor approaching I quicken my steps. Finally I open the door and step in.

"Exactly" I say as I slam my door in his face.

I wake up to a great ray of sunshine creeping out of the curtains and striking across my face impairing my vision

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I wake up to a great ray of sunshine creeping out of the curtains and striking across my face impairing my vision. I lay there with a sour look upon my face think back to the latee night conversation I had and the whole predicament I have been thrown in. Suddenly, I heard a door close.  Snapping up into a sitting position I pull a hand up to cover my face from the escaped sun and find the origin of the sound.

"Good morning lady Emily" A soft voice says, causing me to fall out of the bed and flat onto the floor.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry my lady I didn't mean to startle you" a petite girl about my age rushes over to my side. I hesitantly take her offered hand and stagger to my feet.

"Umm who are you?" I question, having no clue why another girl would want to be in my room.

"we're your maids miss" she says gesturing to two other girls; one (I presume the oldest) tall with short black hair and the other a tad shorter with ginger hair pulled up into a low bun. Taking in their identical black uniforms I mentally face palm myself for my stupidity. I'm a maid, if anything I should have known that.

"Oh I don't need maids, I won't be here long enough" I brush off the topic laughing to myself. I'll be out of here in a couple of days, maybe even hours if I'm lucky.

"Im sure you'll be here for a long time miss" they all chorus with similar bright smiles. If I was anyone else I would have believed them, but I'm determined to prove them wrong.

"Well if you're certain you want to stay then you must stop calling me miss. what are all you're names?" I ask hoping they don't take this as an order but more as a request. I know what working for a demanding women feels like, I've suffered through it most of my life.

"Oh well I'm Anne" the tallest girls answers with a genuine smile. "This is Gretel" she gestures to the red head who waves, "and this is Lucy" and the girl next to me smiles while tucking a lose strand of brunet hair behind her ear.

"Why does everyone keep calling me 'lady' Emily?" , I've been waiting ask this question since I arrived.

"Oh that's because your a two now mis- I mean Emily" Gretel answers with a shy smile.

"But I'm a maid just like you" I state perplexed. How could I be a two?

"Not anymore. Now shall we get you ready for breakfast?" Anne replies getting straight back to business. She must be the head maid. In an instant I'm rushed into an adjacent door that I noticed earlier and find a rater lavish bathroom.

After about half an hour of washing, makeup and hair I emerge looking like an improved version of my normal bland self. Although not outrageously different, just enough. Then I am pushed towards the second door, which reveals a room (about half the size of the bedroom) full of wardrobes and shelves lining each wall with a full lengthen mirror in the centre. This is bigger than my kitchen at home!

"I thought you could wear this red ballgown, It'll bring out your bright hair. It's the perfect look to capture the princes attention" Anne comments giving me a knowing look, if only she knew I actually wanted the complete opposite.

"Umm, its lovely but I don't think I would feel completely overdressed, especially compared to my normal clothes. Do you have anything plainer?" I question trying not to come off too rude.

"Let me have a look"Lucy says moving past me and starting to open up different wardrobe holding more dresses than I can count. "Most of the dresses seem to be ballgowns." she says in apology but with a determined look on her face. I have to put my had over my lips to stop a laugh from escaping because of how weird here expression looks. It's only a dress. All three of the maids are now searching relentlessly, taking my choice in outfit all too seriously. It's quite comical.

"Maybe...here were go " Gretel exclaims. From the back of the racks she pulls out a short cream dress with a lace top. "This is the best we can do I'm afraid" she says look over it with regret.

"It's perfect" I beam, secretly praising the lord that I won't stand out. One step closer to being sent home. Anne pairs the dress with small cream heels after I complained that the first pair were ridiculously high. After last night I'm determined not to look like a complete klutz. Once all three of the girls 'perfect my look' I'm free to meet up with the rest of the selected for breakfast, and I'm starving.

 Once all three of the girls 'perfect my look' I'm free to meet up with the rest of the selected for breakfast, and I'm starving

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