Chapter 1. Rose

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Well for starters my name is rose, my hair is blonde I have eyes almost black as night. People always say that they see stars in my eyes, funny right? My favourite show is the vampire diaries, I know I know every basic girls favourite show is the vampire diaries, well it's the truth.
One day I woke up, stretched and got out of bed. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my dog templetons bowl and filled it up with food he ran to me and started jumping on me with his little tale wagging. I put down his food.

Templeton calm down it's just food. I said
I sometimes like to pretend he actually understands me.

I grab my usual breakfast two whole wheat toasts with eggs and a cup of fruit.
I try to eat pretty healthy.

I got dressed in a black skirt with a white blouse and a pair of plain black heels for work.

I walked out the door and started walking to work. I didn't have a car at the time because they are just way to expensive. I didn't mind because work was pretty close to my apartment anyways.

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath
I forgot my phone I turned around and started jogging back to the apartment complex. I tripped (of course) and ripped my skirt.

"Are you fucking kidding me" I yell.

"Um are you alright?" A guy puts his hand out to help me up.

"Uhhh yeah I'm fine"

"Okay, good. My name is Adam by the way"

"Oh nice to meet you, my name is rose"

"Where were you off in such a hurry?"

"I forgot my phone at home." I laughed nervously

He was very tall and cute I giggled to myself his hair was dark brown not short but not long and a little wavy. His eyes were green and he had kind of a muscular build, not extremely muscley but a little.

"Oh I see, well when you get your phone you should put my number in it"

"Okay I say nervously."

He shuffles around looking for a paper and a pen. But of course he doesn't have one.

"Uhh" he says

"I have a good memory" I laugh again

"Okay my number is 403-***-****"

"Okay I'll text you when I get my phone"

"Alright, have a nice day rose."

"You too, I say as I start walking away."
I turn around and give him a smile.

"Edit" this chapter is really boring but I promise it gets better!!!

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