Chapter 4 meeting stefan

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I turned to Adam. "Honestly damon is soooo hot."
He gave me a weird /jealous look.
"Oh? I didn't need to know that rose."
"I'm sorry I just can't help it ugh."

"I don't really remember the directions Bonnie gave us so you go left I'll go right, text me when you find the hotel." I said
"Waitttt" Adam said as he grabbed my wrist. "How do we know if our phones even work here?"
"Good point. Here I'll text you to check."
Me: did it send.
Adam: yep.
"You know you could have just said yes to me instead of texting it."
"My apologies." He said in a sarcastic tone.
I frowned and rolled my eyes at him and started walking to the right.
I walked for a couple of blocks then saw Stefan.
No fucking way (I fan girled in my head)
I ran up to him and said. "Uh hey Stefan."
Fuck fuck fuck shit shit. He doesn't know that I know his name.
He looked at me like he was trying to remember who I was and said "hi?" With a questionable voice.
"Oh sorry you probably don't know who I am um I'm a friend of Elenas I guess, you guys are dating right? Or is she dating your brother. Uhh sorry I don't know what I'm saying."
"Um no I haven't met Elena, I know who she is but I haven't talked to her, yet.."
"Oh I'm so sorry. I uh just need to know the directions to the closest hotel?"
He explained to me where to go but I just couldn't remember.

"Here I'll just walk with you to the hotel." He said
"Oh thank you so much you are really nice."
"No problem." He gave me a friendly smile

We walked for a couple blocks and then we ran into Adam.
"Oh hey Adam! This is Stefan he's showing me where the hotel is."
"Oh great." He said he sounded very unimpressed.

Adam seems to be getting jealous every time there is a guy around it's kind of annoying cause we just met like what 2 days ago? And we aren't even dating we literally hung out once. Honestly...
We finally got to the hotel.
"Thank you so much Stefan!"
"Yeah no problem, I'll see you guys around."

We walked into the hotel and I went up to the front desk and ask for a two bed hotel room. I had my wallet on me so I was able to pay for it. She handed me the room key and we walked to the room.
"Okay well it's getting late we should probably go to sleep." I said
"Yeah you are probably right."

As I stared falling asleep I was thinking about this mess we got into, I don't understand why we are here or what we are ment to do but i have a feeling we are ment to do something... the story hasn't even started. Maybe we are supposed to change it somehow............

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