Chapter 11 dead

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"Damon calm down I'm aloud to leave" I said
"I know I know I just don't want to lose you." He said as I hugged me tightly.
I embraced him and closed my eyes, I opened them and they widened fast and I started shaking. "What's wrong rose??" He said and turned around to see what I was all stirred up about. "Get in my car rose I'll deal with this." Damon said
"What do you think you are doing?"Damon yelled
I ran to the car and locked myself in, it it was Adam he showed up again.

"Looking for her." Adam pointed at me.
"Well sorry but she's already taken." Damon said
"I don't care I want her dead." Adam said as he ran towards me in fast vampire mode.
He broke the glass and I screamed. He grabbed a piece of glass and tried to cut me then I saw Damon throw him onto the other side of the street.
"I don't fucking think so." Damon yelled at him as he ran over and started punching him.
Adam got up and threw a piece of glass at me and it hit my neck I couldn't breath all I could think was this is it this is it. Adam ran away and Damon quickly ran to me and bit his wrist fed me his blood and took out the glass from my neck. "You are gonna be alright Rose" he said as I started to cry.

(Fast forward a couple of hours)

I was laying in my bed reading a book when I heard a tapping at my window, I got up and pulled the current open to see what it was. There was no one there so I turned around and my neck got snapped.

Sorry this was a really really short chapter I'll write chapter 12 longer

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