Chapter 5 i know

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I was woken up by a loud scream, oh no I thought to myself. I ran down to the lobby and out the door, I still heard screaming, it was coming from the woods! The damn woods of course it was coming from the woods. I ran out there and the next thing I know I'm lying on the ground and there is a guy lying near me, wait a minute that's not just a guy it's Damon Salvator! I got up and so did he, he looked at me with that same look he gave me from when we ran into each other at the mystic grill.
"Do I know you?, you look familiar." He asked me.
"Well no but we ran into each other the other day at the mystic grill." I said
"Oh,well than you wouldn't mind if I bite you." He said with a smirk on his face.

Fuck fuck fuck.

Right before he bit me I yelled. "I KNOW YOU AND STFAN ARE VAMPIRES!"

"Wait what??" He backed away. "How do you know that?
"Um long story." I sighed
"I've got time." He said

So Damon and I went back to his house and I told him everything that has happened since I got here and how he is from a tv show, of course I didn't tell him everything that happened in the tv show because I didn't want to screw everythingggg up. He seemed very intrigued but at the same time seemed like I was making this all up.

"Wait wait wait, so you are saying I'm from a tv show and you somehow got sucked up into a (portal)" he put quotations with his hands.

"Yes I know it seems crazy but it's true how else would I know all this?" I say

"I don't know ."

We here the door open damon stands up and says "hello brother"

"Damon who is this and why is she here, wait rose is that you." Stefan said

"Yes, it's me and I just explained everything to Damon I guess now I have to explain it to you."

Damon and I told Stefan everything and he had the same looks on his face.

My phone started ringing and it was Adam. Ugh great.

Adam: rose where are you??
Me: I'm at the Salvatore's house.
Adam: why? They could hurt you.
Me: i don't think they will.. I told them everything.
Adam: come back to the hotel.
Me: k fine on my way soon.

"I have to go, I'll talk to you guys uh later."
"Wait!" Damon yelled as I was almost out the door.

He grabbed my phone and put his and Stefans numbers in it.

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