Chapter 6 moved in

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I got back to the hotel room and Adam was there sitting on the edge of the bed tapping his foot.

"WHERE DID YOU GO????" He yelled
"I told you where I went, at the Salvatore house."
"I don't want you going back there without me."
"You can't just tell me what to fucking do you aren't my boyfriend, let alone we've only known each other for like a week now??" I said
"I don't care you are staying here with me."
"Fuck no."
I stormed out of the hotel room, I grabbed my beg and texted damon.

Me: do you have any spear rooms I could maybe sleep in?
He almost replied instantly
Damon: yes. We do, I'll come pick you up where are you?
Me: I'm outside of the comfort in hotel.
Damon: okay I'm on my way.

I waited outside for a while then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I couldn't move, I heard yelling from the other side of the street.


That's the last thing I remembered I woke up on the couch in damons and stefans house.

"Wha wha what happened?" Is asked

Damon came walking into the room.

"I came to pick you up and someone was biting your neck they were wearing a hoodie so I don't know who it was." He said

"Oh, well that's a bit terrifying."

"Yeah, just a bit, Stefan and I are going to have to watch over you until we catch who that was."

"Why does everyone want to watch over me." I mummer

"Just because you say things quietly doesn't mean we can't here you." Damon taps his ears after he said that.

"I know I know you have super hearing."

Stefan and Damon both laughed

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Stefan and Damon both laughed.

"Here I'll show you the room you can stay in." Stefan says.

I get off the couch and follow Stefan up the stairs he turns down the hallway and goes through one of the doors. I walk in and look around it's very pretty and big in here, there's a king sized bed by one of the windows in there and there is a desk with a lamp. On the other side there is a huge walk in closet.
"I won't need all this space especially the closet. I have maybe 2 outfits. When we got sucked through the portal we didn't have any clothes with us so I picked up a couple at one of the little shops."

I hear walking and then see Damon enter the room.
"That's okay I'll go and take you shopping." He says

" I don't have any money and I don't want you spending any money on me." I say

"Who says we have to pay?" He winks at me

"Oh right right your compelling thingy." I say
"Well night you two I'm a bit tired I'm going to go to sleep."

"Okay night rose, I'll take you tomorrow to a couple shops." Damon says
"Night rose." Stefan says

They both smile, walk out of the room and shut the door.

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