6. Consider it done now.

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So this is now a new chapter and this chapter is a little different. This whole story is based on two main characters Samaah and Samiha, which is what makes it a little different from others. Both are equally important characters. So the whole story is from Samaah and Samiha's point of view. However, this is a one time thing where in one chapter, there will be two points of view: one of Asif and the other of Arif. So I hope you enjoy this chapter in their POV. Kindly note, I may not be able to give a perfect opinion of the boys because I'm not a boy, and I don't have any brothers or any other men in my life apart from my father. So bear with me if I can't bring out their thoughts as those of typical men.


The girls and their brother followed Arif and I out of lounge 14 and into lounge 3. I loved our mansion. If you could call it a mansion that is. It was huge and beautiful and I felt so proud to be living in a house like ours. It felt good to see those girls admire their surroundings as they had walked into lounge 14 with its unique night theme.

As for the girls, I had no doubt found them quite beautiful, but something about one of them was a little different and...interesting. I know I had mentioned that we were to go and give our choices to our parents but that wasn't my ultimate plan. I did not want to get married to one of these girls because I felt it was too early for marriage. I wanted to get married eventually but not for the reason that my dad was giving. No woman had the right to change me. Yes, I loved my life. Besides, I didn't see anything wrong with me anyway. Wasn't I a practicing Muslim who abided by the laws of Islam? Yes I was. Then why, why would dad want to get us married?

He had told me that entire back story of how their father, Habib Ashraf was made redundant and the offer dad gave him with the condition. That was the reason both Arif and I accepted to see the girls. Because frankly, dad's reason to get us married just didn't sit in my mind properly. But because dad said he was helping someone in need through us, we agreed to see those girls, and perhaps we would marry them. Honestly, now that I think of it, I didn't want to, but to help Mr. Ashraf, maybe I would.

We stepped into lounge 3 and saw Mr and Mrs Ashraf, and dad waiting for us. They all had this anxious look on their faces. Arif and I each took a seat on either side of dad and the girls took a seat on either side of their brother. Each of us were going to give our opinions now.

"So what happened? What did you decide and who did you choose?" Dad asked.

I took a deep breath and spoke up before anybody else could.

"Dad, I don't know about the rest of them, but I personally feel that we need a day or two to decide. And about you saying that we tell you discreetly, I don't think that will work well with us. Because imagine if I tell you which sister I want, Arif wouldn't know, and if he wants the same sister as I do, then there will be trouble. So I think, that Arif and I need to agree between the two of us so that we both know which sister the other one is choosing. And I think these two sisters need to do the same. Then accordingly, we can tell you our decision. This would prevent unnecessary confusion. I hope you guys can see where I'm going with this?" I said, looking between dad and Mr. Ashraf.

"I think that's a great idea," the girl called Samaah said.

"Yeah," Samiha spoke up. It was the first time I heard both of them speak up like that.

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