26. Life changing decision.

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Samiha's P.O.V

"We'll get you out of this, Asiyah. But we need to talk to your mum and dad about this," Samaah said. I looked at Samaah, and she had this intense look on her face. I knew this look too well - it was the look she had when she was deep in thought.

"What will you talk to mum and dad about? What will you tell them?" Asiyah asked.

"Listen, before anything else, there are some things we need to confirm with you. Firstly, are you sure you don't want your brothers to deal with Jawad?" I asked her.

"Positive! Arif and Asif shouldn't even get the slightest whiff about any of this. When they see me here, I'll just make up some excuse. But they shouldn't even get the smallest suspicion that something is wrong. Remember, Jawad told me he'll make my life a living hell, and the last thing I want is for him to hurt my brothers!" She said, with determination.

"Okay, and listen. Do you mind leaving university?" Samaah asked her.

"Of course! I need to get educated!" She replied.

"Your brothers didn't think so regarding themselves," I scoffed. Asiyah just shrugged.

"They're spoilt, obviously. Their mentality is such that they are going to inherit that whole company when dad retires. Meanwhile, they are enjoying life while dad works. For Aliyah and I on the other hand, we have to study because being girls, our future is not with our parents," she said.

"Look, Asiyah. I need to get your opinion. I've a plan, but I need your absolute approval. So tell me, what do you think about moving universities?" Samaah asked her.

"I don't mind, but the problem is, moving universities is not going to be the solution. Jawad can still get to me!" Asiyah answered.

"He can't, if you go to the university where I am. It's in this town, away from where you used to be!" Samaah said.

"But Samaah, he can easily track me down. The guy has developed an obsession with me! I think he's a psycho. He just found out I belong to a rich family and he's been on my case. I've told him he's not my Mahrem and that he needs to get away from me, but he won't!" Asiyah said, her eyes tearing up again.

Samaah, having studied psychology, picked up something from what Asiyah said.

"There's more to it than what you told us, Asiyah!" Samaah said, analysing Asiyah's face.

"Asiyah, spill. Now!" I ordered sternly.

"Jawad once dated a girl. She was also a Muslim, but they didn't care. So anyway, they dated. But unlike Jawad, the girl had some principles even if she dated him. He wanted her to sleep with him, but she refused. When he couldn't get his way with her, he made her life hell. He caused a divorce between her parents, I've no idea how he managed to do that but he did. He also spread around some photos that weren't decent that he had taken with this girl when they were dating, and he made them go viral. That girl is ruined, and Jawad threatened he'll do something similar to me. You know, he used to try and touch me, but I would avoid it. He used to try to hold my hand and all that, but I used to resist. He had already started making my life hell!" Asiyah sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably. I reached out and held her in a tight hug, and she continued weeping on my shoulder.

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