22. The perfect idea

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Samaah's P.O.V

As soon as I left Samiha's room, I had a plan forming in my head. With that in mind, I headed over to my mother-in-law's room. Yesterday, I had made up my mind that I was going to make sure Asif talks to Samiha on his own accord, and I just had the perfect idea.

"Assalamualeikum, mum! How are you?" I greeted, entering her room. She had bedroom 1, which was the biggest. It was as big as lounge 4, and that was saying something. I knew she would be alone since my father-in-law was still at work.

"Wa'alaykumsalaam, dear. I'm good Alhamdulillah. How was your day at uni?" She asked.

"Good Alhamdulillah. Mum, I need to speak to you regarding Asif and Samiha," I said.

"Well, come sit here and lets talk," she said, beckoning me over to come and sit on the bed with her. I went and sat opposite her on the bed.

"Mum, I'm just from Samiha's room right now. She has no idea though that I'm here to talk to you about her. Apparently, Samiha's old work-mate is getting married tomorrow, and Samiha has been invited for her reception. Actually, the invitation is directed to both Asif and Samiha," I said and paused. "The thing is mum, that Samiha is too scared of asking Asif to accompany her. She thinks he'll decline, so she told me she'll just go alone and tell her friend that Asif couldn't make it. The thing is, Anna is a Christian and so, the reception is a mixed gathering. Samiha will feel so awkward going where there will be so many men all alone without her husband. She didn't tell me that but I know my sister well enough, and besides, I would feel awkward in that situation too."

"So you want me to speak to Asif and tell him to accompany her, right?" She asked.

"Exactly. But mum, Samiha should never come to know that I told you and you told Asif. Tell Asif to give her the impression that he wants to willingly accompany her. Tell him that it's not right for his wife to go alone when he's perfectly capable of going with her," I said, trying my best not to show her the dislike I had for her son.

"Don't worry, darling. Leave it to me. He wouldn't dare let my princess go there on her own once I'm done with him. If you see Arif, tell him to tell Asif that I'm calling him, alright?" She said.

I nodded. "Thanks, mum."

"No problem, dear. That's my duty," she answered with a smile.

I left her room and headed to lounge 8, where I knew Arif was because he told me he was going to hang out in lounge 8 with his friends, so no-one should come there to disturb him. I snickered at that, because I was just going there to disturb him now.

I stood outside the wide door, knocked on it and waited. A minute later, Arif opened the door, and a look of surprise appeared on his face when he saw me since he was probably expecting a worker. The look of surprise was then replaced by that of annoyance.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you I don't want disturbance?" He whispered, irritated.

"Yeah, I know. But there's an important favour need to ask of you," I said.

"Can't it wait?" He said, impatiently.

"No it can't. You know, this is the first time I've ever asked you for a favour. I can't possibly ask Samiha because it's for her sake and I don't want her to know," I said, hurt.

He must have realised that I was hurt, and his face softened a little. "Gimme a sec," he said. He went back inside and said something to his friends, then came out again. "Alright, what do you want?"

"Can you please tell Asif to go to mum's room? I can't tell him obviously, and as I told you, due to circumstances, I can't ask Samiha to do so. Mum wants to talk to him," I explained.

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