37. Will I ever be able to forgive myself?

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It was unbelievable! I couldn't believe that Mr. Yan was the one who killed nearly my whole family! It was because of him that I lost the closest person to me after Arif. I lost my older brother. I lost Adil. All because of him. Not to mention I lost two of my other siblings - Amir and Aminah. Because of him, dad lost his two brothers and their families, and he lost his children. All because of Mr. Yan.

For the past ten years, we had been living knowing that the fire was a conspiracy. It had been plotted by an enemy. But little did we know, the enemy was the person my dad trusted so much! If it weren't for my wife and her sister, we would have never known.

Speaking of those two, I was worried sick about them. I didn't want anything to happen to my wife, just when my heart was beginning to slightly soften towards her. However, getting Yan arrested was more important. We had solid evidence against him, and I hoped that this fellow will have to face a lifetime in jail, if not a death sentence.

Arif and I were on our way to the police station, with him driving, while I was deep in thought. I felt immense gratitude towards Samiha and Samaah. By discovering this truth about Yan, not only did they save their father's and my own father's lives, but they also saved mine and Arif's lives.

"We're here, bro," Arif said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even realised that we had already reached. There was a very hard look on Arif's face and I knew that maybe he was trying to keep calm, but inside, he was furious.

"Let's get this over and done with, man. We have our wives to worry about as it is!" I said. Even though I made getting Yan arrested a priority, I was extremely disturbed regarding those two sisters. What happened to them? Why weren't they found?!

We entered the police station. The whole department recognised us as the Hamid sons and they immediately turned their attention to us.

"Salaam, Mr. Asif and Arif Hamid. What can we do for you?" The head of the department and chief inspector Uthman Jawzi greeted.

"We're here to file a case. We have all the sufficient evidence which is required to get someone arrested. And we would like them to get the worst punishment possible," Arif said, sternly.

"Where's the evidence and who is this person you're talking about?" Inspector Uthman replied.

"Here," I said, handing him over my phone. "Just touch the play button."

He took my phone and played the recording.

"Listen up, Yan, get it through your head that Zakir only gave you that position because his brothers were dead. And now that another relative of his emerged, obviously he would give it to him. Forget it, Yan, you are not going to get it back, especially after nagging him like that and demanding pay rises and all. And you keep leaving for your 'important work'!" We heard the guy who was Yan's companion say.

"Look here, Lee! I have known Zakir for 26 whole years. I know him better than any employee who works here, alright? Of course I know that he wouldn't give that position to anyone but his relatives or someone he trusts a lot. Which is why, around twelve years ago, it got too much for me. Zakir was the M.D and his older brother was the C.E.O. His younger brother was the assistant M.D. I knew I wanted to become the C.E.O of this company. I wanted that, but the only way I could get it was if I got rid of those filthy rich Hamid brothers. And so, I waited for the perfect opportunity. To save any suspicion from befalling upon me, I had to make sure that my plan was carried out away from the country. So when these brothers went for their holiday abroad two years later, meaning ten years ago, I put my plan into action. I had hired goons to finish this family completely, and they nearly managed. Except, Zakir, his wife and four of his kids survived. So Zakir became the new C.E.O and made me the M.D because I was one of the first people to work in this firm and the foolish man thought he trusted me. He still does, believe it or not! Those stupid kids who survived infuriated me even more. Even if I managed to finish Zakir, they would be the stupid heirs to his company! But at least luck is on my side. With his daughters happily married, he's only left with his two good-for-nothing sons. If I manage to get Zakir out of the picture, his sons would be child's play for me. I can deal with them as easily as possible because they don't know anything! But before I get Zakir out of the picture, I need to become the M.D. And for that, I need to deal with that stupid old man, Habib Ashraf. I need to get him out of the picture," Yan explained.

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