8. That's the understatement of the year!

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Samaah's P.O.V

Samiha and I both woke up for Fajr and looked at each other immediately. We had both done istikhara. Although istikhara didn't necessarily give someone dreams, it could give a strong gut feeling or a made up mind.

"What's the outcome?" I asked Samiha right away.

"I've a feeling we should go for it. We're helping dad by doing this. What about you?" she replied.

"I've made up my mind. Arif it is," I answered.

"Alhamdulillah, may everything go well now," she said.

"Ameen," I replied.

We prayed Fajr and then went back to sleep. Deep down, I wondered whether the twins also performed istikhara or not. I willed myself to think positively about Arif, but the only thing that came into my mind was his obsession with technology. I don't even know why, of all things, that was the only thing I could think about. I couldn't catch sleep so I looked at my bedside table. My laptop lay there. It was actually a hand me down from Samiha. She had received it from Saamih, but when she started earning, she bought her own and gave me this one. I was the third person using this old laptop. Old is gold, I thought to myself and smiled, laying my hand fondly on the laptop. I loved it because my siblings has used it before me. I never even asked for a new one. My gaze then fell to my phone. It was not a Galaxy Note or a Galaxy S. Neither was it an iPhone. It was a simple Galaxy Mini that my mum had used before me and gave it to me because she didn't like smartphones. I didn't even care about these things, yet the guy I was supposedly going to marry was crazy about them. How ironic.

But then, he likes archery. He can teach me archery. And imagine the handsome Arif actually practicing archery before me. Atleast that thought made me swoon a little before I muttered Astaghfirullah and willed myself to go to sleep.

At seven in the morning, my alarm went off and I woke up with a jump. I looked at Samiha's bed and she was fast asleep. I walked towards her, an evil smirk plastered on my face. Her bedside table had a glass of water and her mouth was slightly open. I took the glass and tilted it just a little so that the water poured into her mouth. Her eyes shot open and her expression was priceless. I burst out laughing but my amusement was shortlived because Samiha spat out the water in her mouth at me while I was busy laughing. Then it was her turn to laugh at me.

"Ewww Samiha!!! What the heck were you thinking? You haven't even brushed your teeth and you spat the dirty water on me!" I screamed at her, furiously. She was still laughing.

"Well that wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have poured water into my mouth, loser," she retorted.

I huffed, as I grabbed a towel and fresh clothes and stomped out of the room to go and shower.

Ten minutes later, I got out of the bathroom and went to grab myself some breakfast before going to uni. Dad and mum were there, discussing something. I suddenly remembered my decision and istikhara last night, and I couldn't hold it in any longer. As much as I wasn't happy about the fact that I agreed to get married, I needed to tell dad. After all, I was doing it for his sake. I wanted dad to get back on his feet immediately. I greeted my parents and sat down at the table.

"Mum, dad. I agree to this marriage thing. I've decided to get married to Arif and Samiha to Asif. We both decided last night, and got positive feelings after performing istikhara. So, you can go ahead and finalise this alliance," I told them.

"Well, now that you've agreed, consider it done, my baby," dad replied.

"Dad, now you need to stop calling me your baby. I'm no longer a baby if I'm going to get married," I said.

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