5. Say what?!

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Samaah's P.O.V

"Okay, boys. So now you know all about my sisters. I didn't leave out their negative aspects either, so I expect the same from you. I want you to tell us everything about yourselves," Saamih said.

"Please give us a moment. We want to discuss something between us," one of the twins said. Frankly, I wasn't paying attention to which one was sitting on the left and which one was sitting on the right due to my nerves, so by now, I didn't know who it was that talked. As if reading my mind, he said "I'm Arif, by the way."

Saamih nodded. I made a mental note that the boy sitting to the right was Arif and to the left was Asif. Right Arif, left Asif. Right has the letter R and so does Arif. So right Arif, left Asif. This is how I made myself remember important but confusing things.

"Alright. Arif and I have decided that since you spoke on behalf of your sisters and they did not speak for themselves, it is only fair if my brother introduces me and I introduce him," Asif said, having decided with Arif, and Saamih nodded.

"Okay, so which of you will start?" Saamih asked.

"I'll introduce Asif first. So as you can see, both Asif and I are completely identical, so our looks shouldn't really matter in your decision," Arif began.

I noticed how amazingly handsome both the brothers were, with their perfect build and reasonably tall height. They were neither too muscular nor too thin. They were neither too tall nor too short. They both had a perfect frame. Both had beautiful dark eyes and dark brown hair, with a neatly trimmed beard. They both had a sun kissed complexion, which contrasted mine and Samiha's fair complexion. Samiha and I looked quite alike, with the exception of our hair hidden under our hijaabs and our eyes. I had mahogany hair while Samiha had chocolate coloured hair. My eyes were deep brown and Samiha's were a very light brown. But our other features were very similar. We were both quite short, at around 5'0", funnily enough, and not slim but not fat either. I found Samiha stunning as Saamih had said, and Samiha always complimented me, just as Saamih did earlier.

"Yes, you're right. You are identical, so looks are not part of the criteria when it comes to choosing between you," Saamih said.

Samiha and I both smiled at that. It's true, we wouldn't have to worry about that, Alhamdulillah. But that is, if we decided to get married to them after hearing about them.

"Alright, so Asif and I are both 24. After completing our A levels, we didn't pursue a university course. I mean, why would we, since our father's company is going to be passed on to us, right Asif?" Arif said and Asif nodded.

I was shocked. These guys were very narrow minded. But I braced myself to hear the rest about them. This wasn't going too well, just from that part of the description. I mean, I did know they were big headed and arrogant. Heck, I knew they were brats, but I really wanted this meeting to prove Samiha and I wrong. But they lived up to their reputations and our impressions of them.

"So anyway, Asif loves fencing. It's his favourite sport. He also plays football, and supports Real Madrid. He also loves hanging out at restaurants with his friends. He loves branded items and he normally spends on these expensive brands for his clothing. He loves eating and his favourite cuisine is Indo-Chinese. I hate the fact that Asif is extremely lazy. That's his negative side. So that's my bro, and now he'll introduce me," Arif said.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! So basically, this guy was spoilt rotten! I couldn't believe it! Apart from his hobbies, and his favourites, the only thing I got about his character from his brother's description was the fact that he was lazy. But apart from that? Nothing. These guys didn't seem to know the real meaning of life. Brands, huh? So they're rich, fine. But really? Then I remembered, dad told me they blow money and don't do any work and that's the main reason Zakir Hamid wants to get them married. So that their wives can change their carefree and spoilt lifestyle.

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