44. Verily, Allah is with the patient.

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To say that I was hurt and disappointed because Samaah couldn't recognise me as her husband would be a complete understatement. I was more like devastated, but I tried not to show it. I mean, I had just realised how special my wife was to me, and she didn't even recognise me! For the first time ever, I tried to hug her and she pushed me away because she thought I wasn't her mahrem. That was beyond painful!

But to be honest, I was relieved. I thanked Allah several times that Samaah woke up. It felt so good to see her awake, even though she was so disoriented and bewildered because she had lost five years of her memory. But at least she woke up. I felt so bad for Asif because he was still in the I.C.U with Samiha and he had become so silent and downcast.

I hadn't told anybody about Samaah regaining consciousness except for dad because I needed him to bring our marriage certificate as proof for Samaah that I am her husband.

I was also extremely relieved Alhamdulillah because the MRI showed that her brain wasn't really damaged, apart from the fact that she had amnesia. The pain in her head was because she was not yet completely recovered. We were back in Samaah's ward because the doctors told her she needed to get as much rest as possible. She lay on the bed while I sat on the chair and from the looks of it, she was pretty restless.

"Samaah, you really should get some sleep!" I told her.

"Well, apparently according to you guys I've been in coma for over a week. Which means I've been sleeping straight for more than a week. Sue me for not being able to sleep right now!" She replied. I could tell she was frustrated. Firstly, because she lost a large chunk of her memory and that left her puzzled over nearly everything, and secondly, because she just couldn't catch sleep.

"I know...I understand. It's just the doctors said you need to get some sleep, Samaah, and honestly, I really am worried about you!" I said, sincerely.

"Honestly Arif, I feel awful right now. Look, you really seem to have changed for the better as a person and I feel so bad for not being able to recall anything about the two of us. Why don't you tell me everything? I mean, what if it triggers my memory?" She said.

"First of all, you're the reason I 'seem to have changed for the better as a person'. Second of all, stories of the past wouldn't really trigger your memory, according to what the doctor said. But anyway, we got married six months ago. I think it would be better for your family to remind you of all that happened over the four and a half years before we got married. When you have a picture of that, then I can go ahead and tell you about those past six months of our marriage," I replied. I didn't want to jumble her already puzzled brain by telling her the about the most recent events first. It's better to go in order.

She looked a little disappointed and I felt so bad for her. Her face then lit up.

"You told me Samiha is here! I want to see my sister! Please!" She said.

"Samaah, I told you Samiha is here but she's in I.C.U! In coma!" I replied.

Her bottom lip quivered and her eyes filled with tears. "How's she doing? I miss my sister! I'm so worried about her! You told me she's not out of danger? Why?"

"Samaah, calm down. Calm down. Just pray for Samiha. That's all we can do. And she'll be fine In sha Allah, she'll wake up soon" I said, comfortingly. I didn't want to repeat it to Samaah that yes, Samiha wasn't out of danger. And that there was no guarantee that she would even wake up from the coma. Because that will probably hinder her own recovery. Instead, I wanted Samaah to trust Allah and pray for her sister.

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