Rockstar 101 (One Direction)

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When I was younger, I loved singing. My dream was to be a rockstar. I wanted to have my own band and just have fun. I wanted to hear people screaming my name and wanting my autograph. I would practice writing my signature in my classes trying to find the perfect one.

That dream died when I was thirteen. My dad became an alcoholic when I was eleven. Back then, I didn't completely understand it.

Now I do.

It was my thirteenth birthday. My mom bought me a karaoke machine. She knew my love for singing. My mom was always encouraging me to go after my dream.

That's what I planned on doing until that night happened.

All my friends went home by then. I was in the living room singing to my favorite singer. My dad came home completely drunk. He said I was a terrible singer and I was going to make his eardrums explode. My dad said I would never amount to anything. That I was worthless. I remember him stumbling out of the living room as tears rolled down my face.

That's when I truly realized my dad didn't care for me.

The next day I threw my karaoke machine out of my two story bedroom window. I completely gave up my dream to become a rockstar. My mom tried to figure out why I did, but I never told her.

A year later, my dad left us. I'm the reason he left. He came home drunk one night and slapped my mom. I didn't care that he was my father. No one slaps my mom. I screamed and yelled at him that it was time for him to leave. He had caused enough stress in our family. He left that night.

I'm sixteen now and we haven't heard from him since. I don't call him my dad anymore. He doesn't deserve that privilege.

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