Chapter 20

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"Mum, please stop!" I beg her.

"Oh hush." Mum waves her hand at me. "Now when Carter was seven, she had this adorable little pink dress that she would always wear. She used to sleep in it because she loved it so much."

I groan and place my head in my hands. My mum is killing me. Louis decided to ride in our car on the way to the airport. His parents are driving behind us.

Mum has decided to tell Louis about how I was so adorable when I was younger. I don't think I was adorable. I think Mum just wanted to embarrass me even more. She has told him every embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. And I do mean everything.

"Now Carter had this little stuffed animal that her cousin gave her. It was a blue polka dotted dog and she used to carry it everywhere." Mum tells Louis.

"Mum! He doesn't not need to know my life story!" I complain.

Louis grins at me from the front seat. "I like hearing these stories."

"See, Carter." Mum looks at me from the rearview mirror. "He likes them. It's not everyday that you bring home a guy."

"He is my best friend." I correct her.

"Well, he deserves to know about you." Mum pulls into the airport parking lot.

I bang my head against the window. She is killing me. Truly killing me. Mum's should not do this to their children. It's rude. It's a good thing that Cher isn't here. She would just love to hear about these stories.

My car door opens up and I fall partially out of it. I let out a small yelp when I fall forwards. My seatbelt cuts in my chest, but prevents me from hitting the hard ground. Riley is standing there with a huge grin on his face. I straighten myself out and unbuckle my seatbelt. I smooth at my clothes pretending that nothing happened.

"Very smooth." Louis chuckles.

I walk past him to the back of the car. Riley hands me my red suitcase and my shoulder bag. "Thanks." I say.

Louis's parents pull up in the parking spot next to us. I watch him grab his things and fall into step with me. "I get to go to Spain!" He brags.

"At least I will land before you." I point out.

Cheryl Cole's house is not that far from London, but the producers wanted to fly us there to be safe. Since we are going such a short distance we will be flying in a private jet. The flight will only be an hour long, though.

We go through all of the metal detectors and meet up with our judge's. They have given us five minutes to say goodbye to our parents and get on our own planes. The show managed to block off one side of the airport to give everyone privacy.

"My baby girl!" Mum suddenly pulls me in a hug.

"Mum." I gasp as she squeezes me tightly. I try to breathe in deeply, but my airways are cut off.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Mum runs her hands through my hair. "You better try as hard as you can!"

"I will." I attempt to step out of her arms, but she pulls me even tighter.

"Try not to do anything too embarrassing with the cameras around." Mum cries.


"I love you so much!" She pushes me away. Her hands are latched onto my shoulders still keeping me in reach. "You make me proud!"

"Mum, I have to go!" I take her arms off of me.

Mum nods her head. "Go say goodbye to your boyfriend."

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