Chapter 12

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"You did what when you were younger?" I laugh loudly ignoring the strange looks from the people passing us on the streets.

"I asked my mom why she ate my little sister." Louis explains making me laugh even harder.

"She was pregnant." I manage to say in between laughs.

"I didn't know that." Louis defends himself. "I was young. I honestly thought my mom ate her."

"That's hilarious." I try to regain my breath. "I can imagine you saying that."

Louis stops in front of a little bakery. "Let's check this place out." He opens the door for me.

"Why thank you, kind sir." I curtsy before walking in the bakery.

The bakery is a medium sized building. The dark wooden floors shine with the hanging lights in various spots. There is a wrap around metal cabinet allowing you to see all the desserts. A cash register is on the counter with a girl standing behind it. Ten round tables are lined up against the wall and window. Some tables has two chairs and others have four.

Louis leads me over in front of all the desserts. "What are you craving?"

"I don't need anything. You already paid for my lunch." I shake my head.

Louis turns to look at me. "You're not going to make me eat all these delicious desserts by myself are you?" Louis sticks out his bottom lip pouting.

"Can I help you?" The girl from the register asks us. She is wearing a black apron with her blonde hair up in a ponytail. She looks to be about eighteen. Her name tag says Marie.

"Give me one second, Marie." Louis says to her. "My girlfriend is being indecisive." He tells her.

Girlfriend? Why did he just call me his girlfriend? We aren't dating. No matter how much I wish we were.

"I don't want anything." I lie trying not to stare at all the desserts. They look so good.

"You're a liar." Louis states. He turns to face Marie. "Can I get two of each?"

My mouth drops. That's a lot of sweets.

"Of course." Marie smiles at him. "Would you like it in a to go box?"

"Yes, please." Louis answers.

"Why did you buy two of each?" I ask him already knowing the answer.

"You're not going to make me eat all of this by myself." Louis smirks at me.

"You didn't have to do that." I turn around and sit at a table by the window.

"Yes, I did." Louis replies paying for all of the desserts. He walks back over to me and places the three boxes in the middle of the table. He opens the first box. "Here you go." Louis hands me a chocolate cookie.

I take the cookie from his hand. "One two three?" I ask.

Louis nods his head. "One."

"Two." I say next.

"Three!" We both say.

We take a bite of our cookie at the same time. This cookie is incredible! It's the perfect amount of chocolately goodness. I finish off my cookie quickly.

"Next dessert." Louis hands me a small piece of fudge.

"Peanut butter." I grin taking the fudge from him. "My favorite."

We both look at each and nod. I pop the fudge in my mouth. Amazing. This bakery is absolutely amazing. My mom can't even bake this good. Not that I would tell her that.

I reach inside the box as I continue chewing. I grab two little red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. "One for you. One for me." I hand Louis his cupcake. "One, two, three." I take a bite of the cupcake.

Louis looks at me and starts laughing. He points at my lip. I raise my hand and brush the corner of my mouth.

Nothing there.

Louis leans forward over the table. His thumb brushes my lower lip gently. My breath stops as I stare at Louis. He glances up at me and pulls back. A spot of frosting is on his thumb.

What just happened?

Louis wipes his thumb off on a napkin. I avoid his gaze and stare out the window. Friends don't do that to other friends. That's something couples do to each other. We're not dating. Why did Louis do that?

"I bet Niall would like some of these." Louis breaks the awkward silence that surrounded us.

I tear my gaze from the window. "He would love them." I agree.

"Do you want to head back?" Louis scratches his head.

"Yeah." I nod my head. "I did to practice the dance we learned today." I say looking down at my hands in my lap.

I need to talk to Cher. She will know what just happened between us. She can explain why it is so awkward now. We were having a great time until that thing happened. I'm so confused right now.

I wish Riley was here. Maybe I'll call him after I talk to Cher.

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