Chapter 2

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When naoki regained her consciousness she was in an unfamiliar environment, in an unfamiliar bed and she was bandaged all over. She blinked a few times to make sure she was alive and not in some kind of dream...

After confirming that it isn't a dream she closed her eyes again to enjoy the moment. The bed felted softer and it felt warmer than normal.. it could be because it is the first thing she felt after getting hurt.

After blinking she looked around the room, while still laying in the bed. She saw people she didn't recognized..

Naoki wasn't sure to how to view them, were they nice people that helped her out of the goodness of their hearts or did they help her just to break her again? Naoki had seen only the latter one.. But for a reason she didn't get an uneasy vibe from them, naoki was at least 80% sure they were nice people... well she hoped they were..

It didn't take long until naoki noticed that her brother wasn't with her.. she slightly panicked.. in all of her 3 years she hadn't been separated with him.. she prayed he was safe, somewhere..

Naoki looked around some more, the people in the room where a woman and three boys, one naoki's age and the other two somewhat older than naoki.

They were sleeping and naoki.. well she was lost.. what was she gonna do? Wait till they wake up and see what happens? Leave?

Naoki decided to wait for the bundle of four to wake up..


The first to wake was the woman, Uchiha mikoto. she yawned and rubbed her eyes before noticing the already awoken naoki.

"Oh dear, you're awake? Does it still hurt?" She asked kindly

Naoki shook her head "I-it doesn't hurt as much anymore"

Mikoto looked relieved, when she first got the two injured at her front door she panicked. They were in a very bad, almost critical condition.

"That's good, my name is uchiha mikoto. You're naoki, right?" the woman said cheery

"You know me?" naoki questioned

"Of course, your kaa-san and I are close friends" mikoto smiled

"My kaa-chan? Really?"

Mikoto nodded, though she really was good friends with kushina it had been some time since they had last seen each other.. both were very busy with their family..

"Oh.. and thank you for taking care of me" naoki added

"Nao-chan, I didn't do much. the ones you should thank are these three. " mikoto replied still smiling

"Oh and don't worry about your brother, he's alright He's with my husband right now." Mikoto assured the girl

Slowly the other 3 where waking up. They looked still tired and like mikoto they yawned and rubbed their eyes.

Naoki now got an extra 3 pairs of eyes staring at her. She was a little flustered from the stares but still managed to introduce herself

"Uhm.. hello, I'm Namikaze Naoki.. thank you for taking care of me" she said a little soft but they heard it, and they to introduced themselves

"I'm Uchiha Itachi, this is my little brother, sasuke" itachi said pointing at the one hiding behind him

"and that is my best friend Uchiha Shisui, he's the one that found you" itachi added now pointing at his best friend

"While you guys talk I'll inform your dad, and shisui do you want to stay over?" Mikoto said walking towards the door

Shisui nodded at mikoto and turned his focus back to naoki.

Namikaze Naoki || Uchiha ItachiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora