Chapter 4

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After the incident and all kushina began to be more alert on naoki and naruto, She even asked minato to have someone follow them for if she was gone. Minato had his trusted anbu follow them each and assure their safety..

Though it was for their safety, naoki and naruto would always try to avoid the anbu.. they didn't like being watched constantly.. but they didn't have that problem today, today they were going to hinata's 3rd birthday. The twins hoped to make some more friends.

Today was also the day the raikage came for a visit to converse about a peace treaty... kushina was a little skeptical about it since she had some bad experiences with the kumogakure.. but for the safety of the village and her precious people she hoped that it would turn out a success.

It was early in the morning, the Namikaze siblings were going to the hyuga compound in the afternoon. Minato was planning to bring them but he'll have to see how long the meeting was going to take.

The twins were home putting on their attire that was chosen by Kushina herself.

Naoki was trying to figure out how her kimono worked... she couldn't figure it out.. she just wore it however she thought was correct. Naruto on the other hand looked at his kimono.. and ignored its existence.. he wore his everyday attire and wore a haori over it.


On the way to their dad's office they came across this stranger who seemed lost.. naruto told naoki not to bother and just continue walking since the stranger could be dangerous, but Naoki didn't listen. She saw that he wasn't from the village, he could have been dangerous but she felt the need to help anyway

Naoki confronted the man and asked what was wrong, The man said he lost his way but needed to go to the hokage, so naoki being a good girl led him (with her brother) to the hokage's office.

'Kyubi? You've been sealed?' A voice said, the twins could hear it but to them the voice was an unfamiliar one

This voice belonged to gyuki a giant octopus-ox also known as the eight tails.

'Hachibi eh? What do you want?!' Kurama said grumpy, he was sleeping peacefully then this guy comes to talk..

'Saying my greetings, lazy fox' gyuki sighed

'Kurama, who're you talking too?' Naruto asked curiously wondering who the new voice was

'Ayo, my name is killed bee ya know, this is my partner hachibi yo~' bee rapped...

(A/N I'm not even gonna try rhyming.. the next time TT-TT)

Hachibi sighed, he's been hearing bee's raps nonstop today.. not that it's different from the other days..

'Ah! You're the stranger next to us, so your name is killer bee? Well, ayo i'm naoki and have a brother named naruto, he's the jinchuuriki of the kyubi-oh...' naoki tried to rap.. keyword TRIED

'Nice try, konoyaro bakayaro' bee said

Kurama sighed... naruto sweatdropped.. they hoped to never hear naoki try that again..

'Hi.. I'm namikaze naruto"

'Kit, remember I told you about other tailed beast? Well this is the jinchuuriki of the eight tails and the eight tails, gyuki.. save the questions for later, I'm tired' kurama said introducing the two and yawning at the end

'Okay, have a nice kurama~' naruto laughed

'You're getting oddly along with your jinchuuriki, kyubi..'

'Whatever.. hachibi'

The mind link was cut and she looked over the stranger and he did the same

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